The Replay Tool allows you to easily restore data from a blob storage to an event hub so that any time period can be restored from the blob storage. The Event Hub itself allows you to configure a recovery, but it is limited to 7 days. In order for the data to end up in the Blob Storage, the Capture Events Feature must first be activated in the Event Hub. Theoretically the tool can be used on any machine, but it is recommended to use a virtual machine in Azure to achieve a high performance upload when publishing to the event hub.
At first all blobs are read from the Azure Blob Storage according to the restorePath parameter set in the file. Then the downloaded blobs are transformed from the Avro file format into the Event Data format of the Event Hub. All events are then filtered according to a specified regular expression. The result is sent to the desired event hub.
The application is configured via a properties file. The parameters are explained in detail:
- Name of the storage account
- Key for accessing the storage account
- Name of the Blob Storage Container
- The Capture Event feature saves the blob for each partition. Number of configured partitions in the event hub
- The log level that the Azure Storage API should use (Default: WARNING)
- Response time in ms from which the Azure Storage API issues a warning for the web request (default: 2000ms)
- Folder path in the blob storage to be used for the restore. See also section Folder Path Storage.
- Number of threads to retrieve the blobs from the Azure Storage.
- Filter to only reload certain events into the Event Hub. Messages that do not fulfill the regex are discarded. If no filter is specified, no filtering takes place.
- Indicates whether the original event properties should be used (Default: true)
- Indicates whether the original partition key should be read from the stored event and use it for publishing. Batch processing is not possible in this mode. (Default: false)
- Specifies whether messages are returned to the original partition specified by the storage. (Default: true)
- Batch Size for sending events to the event hub (default: 1000)
- Connection String to Event Hub
- Number of threads to send events to the Event Hub
The Capture Event feature saves all blobs in the following folder structure by default:
The path specifies the granularity of replaying the events. If, for example, you want to replay all events from 2019/01/30 at 8 o'clock, the following folder should be set: