Example Jupyter/VS Code anywidget
that will sideload a web-llm
model into the browser and run prompts against it.
Install as: pip install jupyter_anywidget_webllm
For example:
from jupyter_anywidget_webllm import webllm_headless
# Load the headless widget
w = webllm_headless()
# Wait for webllm wasm to load (blocking;; does not work in JupyterLite)
# Try a conversion
# This is blocking - does not work in JupyterLite
output = w.convert("Write me a poem")
w.base_convert("Write me a story")
# When it's ready, collect from:
> {'status': 'processing'}
> {'status': 'completed', 'output_raw': 'OUTPUT'}
We can use web-llm
's in-bult XGrammar support to generated structured outputs by passing a json-schema template via the output_template=
parameter (though this seems a bit unreliable to me, and seems to be prompt sensitive?)
"title": "A story",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"tale": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The story"
import json
Using the provided template output format,
write me a story in 50 words that starts:
It was night
raw_response = w.convert(prompt, output_template=output_template, force=True)
We can set model paramters by passing in a parameters dictionary via the parameters=
"top_p": 0.1,
"frequency_penalty": 0.0,
"presence_penalty": 0.0}
w.convert("write a poem in 8 lines", params=params)
pip install jupyter_anywidget_webllm
or with uv:
uv add jupyter_anywidget_webllm
Open example.ipynb
in JupyterLab, VS Code, for a demo...