The rename
processor renames measurements, fields, and tags.
## Measurement, tag, and field renamings are stored in separate sub-tables.
## Specify one sub-table per rename operation.
## measurement to change
from = "network_interface_throughput"
to = "throughput"
## tag to change
from = "hostname"
to = "host"
## field to change
from = "lower"
to = "min"
## field to change
from = "upper"
to = "max"
No tags are applied by this processor, though it can alter them by renaming.
- network_interface_throughput,,units=kbps lower=10i,upper=1000i,mean=500i 1502489900000000000
+ throughput,,units=kbps min=10i,max=1000i,mean=500i 1502489900000000000