Thanks for having fun with us. Here you can find slides and accompanying materials for the presentations we had so far. If this is your first time attending Infinum JS talks consider joining us on where we post announcements for upcoming meetups.
If you have any questions, concerns, comments, or if you want to speak, please don't hesitate to drop us a line at
Introduction to Web Components in Angular & (P)react (September 28th, 2023.)
- Web Components 101 - Filip Voska, Infinum
- (P)react Web Components
- Angular Web Components - Ivan Mitrić, Infinum
Micro-Frontends & Production Previewing (February 9th, 2023.)
- Preview it in production - Klemen Kogovšek, tretton37
- Micro-Frontends Architecture with Nx and Angular - Filip Voska, Infinum
- Recording of the event
- Introduction to TypeScript - Filip Voska, Infinum
- Advanced TypeScript Utility Types - Filip Jakov Bulić, Infinum
- Recording of the event
- Going to Deno from Node - Roberto Kedmenec, Tria
- a11y Forms - Kristian Djaković, Infinum
- Hello, VOD! - Marko Ćilimković, Infinum
- Secure Media Streaming - Matija Derk, Infinum
- Live recording on YouTube
- Building Websites Like It's 1999 - Darko Kukovec, Infinum
- E2E Testing and You - Ivan Grginov, Infinum
- Server-side Rendering in React and Angular (in general) - Filip Voska, Infinum; Ivica Batinić, Infinum
- Server-side Rendering in React - Ivica Batinić, Infinum
- Server-side Rendering in Angular - Filip Voska, Infinum
- React Hooks - Adrian Bićanić, Infinum
- Web Assembly + dotNet = Blazor + Demo repo - Dobriša Adamec, CITUS; Marko Lohert, Ekobit
- The simple flexibility of variable fonts - Tomislav Slovenec, Infinum
- GraphQL for the REST of us - Filip Stojanac, Farshore Partners
- The front side of GraphQL - Leo Brdar, Infinum
- Yarn Workspaces + Demo repo - Roberto Kedmenec, Tria
- Webpack Dynamic Import - Ivan Ružević, Infinum
- React Native in production - Mauro Jurinčić, iOLAP, Inc.
- Images and the web - Tomislav Slovenec, Infinum
- How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love RxJS - Luka Skukan, Oradian
- Fetch API - Andrei Zvonimir Crnkovic, Infinum
- Preact - Darko Kukovec, Infinum
- Typing JavaScript - Krešimir Antolić, Oradian
- WC, KISS - Luka Skukan, Infinum
- Angular 2 - Mihael Šafarić, Infinum
- Keeping React on a tight leash with Mobx - Darko Kukovec
- Developing animations in the post-Flash era - Magdalena Magličić
- A Vue into the future - Stjepan Petruša
- Composing views with React - Kristijan Bambir
- Don't be a monkey, use Tampermonkey - Ivica Batinić
- Make a CSS sandwich by using postCSS as a bread - Ivan Ružević
- Debunking of a Webpack black box - Andrei Zvonimir Crnković
- Using Webpack with ${backendTechnology} - Darko Kukovec
- CSS features coming to a browser near you - Tomislav Slovenec
- Running Javascript in a car - Tomislav Horvatiček
- Keeping up with developers - Marina Jukić
- Learning to Learn - Luka Skukan
- Write better JS with Promises - Kristijan Bambir
- I bet you didn't know you could do this in a browser - Andrei Zvonimir Crnković
- (R)EM - Tomislav Slovenec
- Always look on the evergreen side of life - Darko Kukovec
- Design patterns in JavaScript: Why they (don't) matter? - Luka Skukan