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We welcome anybody interested to contribute to the packages found in the DESDEO framework. These contributions can be anything. Contributions do not have to necessarely be ground-breaking. From fixing typos in the documentation to implementing new multiobjective optimization methods, everything is welcome!

Guidelines and Conventions

The guidelines for code to be included in DESDEO should follow a few simple rules:

  • Use spaces instead of tabs. Four spaces are used for indenting blocks when writing Python.
  • Each line of code should not exceed 120 characters.
  • Try to use type annotations for functions using Python's type hints.
  • For naming classes use CamelCase, and for naming functions and methods use snake_case.
  • Do not use global or file level declarations. Try to always encapsulate your declarations inside classes.
  • Classes should be designed with duck typing conventions in mind.

Docstring style

The docstring style used throughout the DESDEO framework follows the style dictated by Google. Each function, class, and method should be documented.

Software development

This sections contains some basic tips to get started in contributing to DESDEO. We expect contributors to be proficient in at least the basics of Python.

Version control

DESDEO and all of its packages are under version control managed with git. It is highly suggested that anybody wanting to contribute to DESDEO should be first familiar with the basic principles of git. If terms such as branching, committing, merging, staging, and cloning are alien to the reader, a brief review of the basics of git is in place before contributing to DESDEO can start. At least if the reader wishes to make the experience as painless as possible...

For resources to learn git, git's official documentation is a very good place to start. Many other resources exists on the web as well. We will not be listing them all. However, if a gamified approach is desired instead of having to read documentation, an in-browser tutorial is available here.

Project management

The packages in DESDEO depend on many external Python packages. Sometimes a particular version of an external package is needed, which does not match the current version of the same external package on the computer's system DESDEO is going to be developed on. This can lead to many dependency problems. It is therefore highly recommended to use virtual environments when developing DESDEO to separate the packages needed by DESDEO from the packages present on the system's level.

Poetry is a modern and powerful tool to manage Python package dependencies and for building Python packages. Poetry is used throughout the DESDEO framework to manage and build its packages. While Poetry is not a tool for managing virtual environments, it nonetheless offers very simple commands to trivialize the task. Anybody contributing code to DESDEO should be familiar with Poetry.

Sometimes the Python version installed on a system is not compatible with the Python version required in DESDEO (3.7.x). In this case, it is recommended to use an external tool, such as pyenv, to facilitate the task of switching from one Python version to an other.

Example on how to get started

Once the reader is familiar with git and Poetry, starting to develop DESDEO should proceed relatively painlessly. Suppose we have a feature X which we wish to implement in DESDEO's desdeo-mcdm package. It is higly recommended to first fork the desdeo-package on GitHub on a separate repository and then cloning that repository. When doing so, use the forked repository's URL instead of the main repotiry's URL when cloning the project using git. Make sure to also setup your forked repository to be configured properly to be able to synchronize it later with the upstream repository.

We proceed by cloning the repository on our local machine:

$ git clone

Next, we should switch to the newly created directory:

$ cd desdeo-mcdm

We can now easily use Poetry to first create a Python virtual environment by issuing Poetry's shell- command and then use Poetry's install-command to install the desdeo-mcdm package locally in our newly created virtual environment:

$ poetry shell
$ poetry install

The install command might take a while. Once that is done, desdeo-mcdm should now be installed in our virtual environment and be fully usable in it.

To start implemeting our new feature X, we should start by making a new branch and switching to it using git. This ensures that the changes we make are relative to desdeo-mcdm's master branch, at least the version of it which was available at the time of cloning it. Let us create a new branch now for our featrue X named feature-X:

$ git branch feature-X
$ git checkout feature-X

We are now ready to start implementing our changes to the package. Frequent committing is encouraged.

Suppose that we are now done impelenting our feature X. We now wish it was included to the master branch of desdeo-mcdm. To do so, we need to first switch back to the master branch

$ git checkout master

Then we need to make sure the master branch is up-to-date with the upstream version of the branch by issuing a pull. (If a forked repository is being used, the repository must first be synchronized with the upstream repository.)

$ git pull

Lastly, we will have to merge our feature-X branch containing our changes with the master branch

$ git merge feature-X

If all went well, we should now be ready to issue a pull request. However, if any conflicts emerge during the merging of the branches, these conflicts should be addressed before making a pull request. When the merge is free of conflicts, a pull request can be issued on GitHub or from the terminal. A maintainer of the repository will then review your changes and either accept them into the upstream or request revisions to be made before the new code can be accepted.



To build the documentation for the DESDEO framework and its various modules, Sphinx is used. Sphinx offers excellent utilities for automatically generating API documentation based on existing documentation located in source code, and for adding custom content.

Automatically generated documentation and custom content is specified as reStructuredText. ReStructuredText is a markup language just like Markdown or html, but offers the possibility to extend the language for specific domains. The file extention .rst is used for files containing reStructuredText content. Sphinx can then be used to generate documentation in various formats, such as html and pdf, based on content provided as reStructuredText.

Resources to get started with Sphinx

The official documentation offers a good guide for getting started. It is advised to read through the guide before contributing to the documentation. After reading the guide, the reader is encouraged to check out the contents of the source file used to generate the current page. The source file can be accessed by going to the top of this page and following the Edit on GitHub-link. It is also advised to check out the content of the docs file found in the main repository of the DESDEO framework. After checking the source file used to generate this page, the user should be familiar with at least basic sectioning, hyperlinks, code blocks, note blocks, and lists.

Other useful resources include:

  • Official documentation for reStructuredText.
  • ReStructuredText syntax cheatsheet.
  • A conference talk about Sphinx given during PyCon 2018. (YouTube has also many other videos on Sphinx as well)
  • A more through tutorial written by the matplotlib developers on how to achieve a documentation similar to theirs.


In the DESDEO framework, some Sphinx extensions are used to faciliate automatic documentation generation. At least the following extensions are used:

Included in Sphinx:

User provided extensions:

Building and testing the documentation

If Sphinx has been setup following the official quick guide, the documentation can be build by running the commnad

make html

in the root direcotry containing the documentation. This will produce documentation in an html format residing in the _build folder in the documentation's root directory. To view the documentation built, use any web browser. For example, with Firefox, this is achieved by issuing the command

firefox _build/html/index.html


The directory _build generated by sphinx-quickstart should not be under version control.



Most of the content in this section is relevant only when setting up the documentation for the first time for a module.

The documentation for each of the DESDEO modules is hosted on For the documentation to be build correctly, a YAML congiguration file named .readthedocs.yml should be present in the root directory of the project (not the root directory of the documentation!) A minimal configarion file could look like this:

# Required
version: 2

# Build documentation in the docs/ directory with Sphinx
configuration: docs/

# Optionally set the version of Python and requirements required to build your docs
version: 3.7
    - requirements: docs/requirements.txt

Especially the locations of the configuration files docs/ and docs/requirements.txt are important to enable readthedocs to correctly build the documentation.


The requirements file should contain the requirements for building the documentation. It does not necessarely need to contain all the requirements of the module the documentation is being build for. However, for building the documentation for some of the modules, like desdeo-mcdm for example, the whole module needs to be installed for Sphinx to be able to compile the documentation. In that case, having the project's whole requirements in the requirements file pointed at in .readthedocs.yml is justified.

If a requirements.txt if required, but poetry is used to manage dependencies, then the command

poetry export --dev -f requirements.txt > requirements.txt

can be used to generate a requirements file.

For more configuration options, go here. The whole documentation for readthedocs can be found here.


Some common caveats with Sphinx:

  • The intendation Sphinx expects in the reStructuredText files is three spaces to specify the scope of the options and content of a directive. Options should follow the directive immediately on the following line, one option per line, and the content should be separated by one blank line from the options (if no options are provided, the blank line should be between the directive and the contents). For example, the following is correct:

    .. toctree::
       :maxdepht: 2

    The following, however, is incorrect:

    .. toctree::
       :maxdepht: 2
  • If the contents of an item in a list span more than one line, the lines following the first line should have their indentation starting at the same level as the content on the first line. I.e.:

    - This is the first line
      this is the second line
      this is the third line
      notice the indentation