To read data from the PLC and provide the data, we will use the SIMATIC S7 Connector to establish connection with the PLC via S7.
The SIMATIC S7 sends the data to the Databus, where the Flow Creator app can collect what is needed.
In order to build this infrastructure, these apps must be configured properly:
- Databus
- SIMATIC S7 Connector
In your IEM open the Databus and launch the configurator.
Add a user with this topic:
Deploy the configuration.
Simatic S7 Connector can be configured via both bellow mentioned options
In your Industrial edge device open the common configurator and configure the S7 connector
This Configuration done locally at the Industrial edge Device
Add a data source:
Add a data Databus credentials in common configurator:
Hint: Username and password should be the same as was set in the Databus configuration, e.g., "edge" / "edge".
Deploy and start the project.
Import the tags to S7 connector from file exported from TIA portal by using export SCADA simatic tool in common configurator:
Download the SCADA simatic tool from siemens site for TIA portal:
Add these four tags Frequency, Offset, Amplitude, SinusVal with 1 sec of acquisition cycle (since we want to write variable values into the PLC, set "Read & Write" as access mode):
Hint! Please use the same variable names as shown in the screenshot, otherwise the flow creator script must be adjusted.
In your IEM open the SIMATIC S7 Connector and launch the configurator.
This configuration done centrally at IEM
Add a data source:
Browse the tags from PLC
Add these four tags Frequency, Offset, Amplitude, SinusVal with 1 sec of acquisition cycle (since we want to write variable values into the PLC, set "Read & Write" as access mode):
Edit the settings:
Hint: Username and password should be the same as was set in the Databus configuration, e.g., "edge" / "edge".
Open the Flow Creator App from the IED Web UI and import the FlowCreator.JSON file from the source folder.
After importing the JSON file, the password set in the Databus must be entered in the security settings of the MQTT-node.
Hint: Username and password should be the same , e.g., "edge" / "edge".