Easier alternative of react-secure-storage
The react-secure-storage
code is unnecessarily complex and doesn't support custom data types.
EZSS only implements its internal EncryptionService
class so that you can use it with the libraries you want. (e.g. @mantine/hooks
pnpm add ezss
# yarn add ezss
# npm i ezss
do you have other examples? PR's welcome!
import { useLocalStorage } from '@mantine/hooks'
import encryption from 'ezss' // A
// import { EncryptionService } from 'ezss' // B
export const useSecureLocalStorage =
<T = string>(props: Parameters<typeof useLocalStorage<T>>[0]) => {
// const encryption = new EncryptionService() // B
return useLocalStorage<T>({
serialize: value => encryption.encrypt(JSON.stringify(value)),
deserialize: value => {
if (value) {
try {
return JSON.parse(encryption.decrypt(value))
} catch {
return encryption.decrypt(value)
} else return value
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