Mobile client application for thravvel
This paper instructions are designed for developers using Linux(Debian) family Operating systems, but as soon as a developer working under a Windows OS will join the team, this paper will be updated.
JDK 1.7 or above, with the JAVA_HOME variable set in the system PATH
Android SDK (API 25 or above) with the ANDROID_HOME variable set in the system path
Here you can find a good tutorial about how to do this on ubuntu (http://askubuntu.com/questions/318246/complete-installation-guide-for-android-sdk-adt-bundle-on-ubuntu), personally, i found the answer of "Host-website-on-iPage" user more usefull.
Can be install with:apt-get install nodejs
Sometimes this installation stores the nodejs binary under /usr/bin/nodejs, this way, npm commands will fail saying they can't find 'node' in the PATH, a workaround will be to make a symbolic link named 'node' to /usr/bin/nodejs like so:ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
Can be install with:apt-get install npm
ionic and cordova:
can be install with:npm install -g ionic cordova
As this project does not include heavy plugins/modules (in fact we've gitignored them) generated by ionic but needed, you have to generate an ionic project first with the name
to get them locally, to do so, follow these steps:
cd into your working local directory:
cd thravvelProjects
for example, then create the project inside:ionic start thravvel-mobile-front blank --v2
This will generate an ionic starter project and download the needed libraries,plugins and node modules.
Now we have to update that project with the remote repository one, but as git does not allow cloning within a non-empty directory, we clone first in a temp directory:
mkdir temp; cd temp; git clone https://github.com/imphilippesimo/thravvel-mobile-front.git
Now we copy(update) the project files with the remote ones:cp -ru thravvel-mobile-front ../thravvel-mobile-front
You can now remove the temp dir:
cd .. ; rm -r temp
Runnpm install
to get the needed dependencies, Now you are good to go :-)