mimic-cross can add corresponding packages and override built-in implementations
through the /etc/mimic-cross/custom
You can refer to the default implementation
builtin/recipes.ts and
Describe how to handle the apt package here.
The default behavior is to search for elf executables referenced by $PATH from
files installed with the specified package name, allowing for fast execution in
the mimic-cross environment.
e.g. The following will cause the /usr/bin/time
to be automatically detected
and mimicized when installing the time
"time": {}
If special processing is required, describe the processing here and reference it from supported.json.
Excerpt from sudo package as an example.
"sudo": {
"recipe": "sudo"
export function customRecipes(recipes: Map<string, PackageRecipe>) {
recipes.set("sudo", {
postInstall: async (_name, _info) => {
const sudoPath = await $.which("sudo");
if (sudoPath === undefined) {
logger.error("Can't find sudo");
throw new Error("Can't find sudo");
const sudoPathRef = $.path(sudoPath);
await mimicDeploy(sudoPathRef);
const conf = $.path("/etc/sudo.conf");
const line = `Path plugin_dir ${config.hostRoot}/usr/libexec/sudo/\n`;
if (await fileHas(conf, line)) return;
await conf.appendText(line);
Describes special processing for package names.
This is useful when package names are different in TARGETPLATFORM and
If special handling is required to deploy the package, it is described here.
It must be compiled in order to have the settings changed. When
is executed, it is compiled in the
script. If you want to compile manually, please execute the following command.
cd /mimic-cross/mimic-cross.deno
/mimic-cross/mimic-cross/bin/mimic-deno task compile