This project is a fork of official PHP SDK v1.7 for Sentry to work even with php5.2.
- Automatically report (un)handled exceptions and errors
- Send customized diagnostic data
- Process and sanitize data before sending it over the network
There are various ways to install the PHP integration for Sentry. The recommended way is to use Composer.
$ composer require immobiliare/sentry-php
Alternatively you can manually install it:
- Download and extract the latest sentry-php archive to your PHP project.
- Require the autoloader in your application:
require_once '/path/to/Raven/library/Raven/Autoloader.php';
// Instantiate a new client with a compatible DSN and install built-in
// handlers
$sentryClient = new Raven_Client('');
// Capture an exception
$event_id = $sentryClient->captureException($ex);
// Give the user feedback
echo "Sorry, there was an error!";
echo "Your reference ID is " . $event_id;
For more information, see the documentation.
Other packages exists to integrate this SDK into the most common frameworks.
Dependencies are managed through composer:
$ composer install
Tests can then be run via phpunit:
$ vendor/bin/phpunit