diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md
index bf14a96d..a4b65b31 100644
--- a/readme.md
+++ b/readme.md
@@ -89,42 +89,25 @@ chrome,edge商店的升级和发布正在进行中,目前需要手动安装:
## Install
#### Firefox
-- Desktop users, download from [Mozilla Addons](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/traduzir-paginas-web/).
+- Desktop users, download from [Mozilla Addons](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/immersive-translate/).
- Mobile users, see [this tutorial](https://www.ghacks.net/2020/10/01/you-can-now-install-any-add-on-in-firefox-nightly-for-android-but-it-is-complicated/).
#### Chromium based browsers
-1. Download [this file](https://github.com/immersive-translate/immersive-translate/releases/download/v9.6/TWP.9.6.Chromium.zip), or any [other version](https://github.com/immersive-translate/immersive-translate/releases)
+1. Download [the latest release chrome file](https://github.com/immersive-translate/immersive-translate/releases/)
2. Extract the zip file
3. Open your browser's extension manager
4. Activate developer mode
5. Load the extension with the option "Load unpacked"
-- Note: You can also install via [crx file](https://github.com/immersive-translate/immersive-translate/releases/download/v9.6/TWP.9.6.crx), download the file using a download manager/or firefox. Activate developer mode and drag the file into the chromium extension manager. It doesn't work on Chrome/Edge.
## Screenshots
| Menu 1 | Menu 2 | Translated |
| :--: | :--: | :--: |
-## Contribute
-- To collaborate with the translation of the extension interface use [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com/project/translate-web-pages).
-## Donations
-To make a donation use [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/filipeps).
## FAQ
-**What can this extension do?**
-Your current page is translated without having to open new tabs.
-It is possible to change the translation language.
-You can select to automatically translate.
-To change the translation engine just touch the Google Translate icon.
**Why do you need to access your data on all the websites you visit?**
To translate any website it is necessary to access and modify the text of the web pages. And the extension can only do that, with that permission.
@@ -151,4 +134,3 @@ Some pages like [support.mozilla.org](https://support.mozilla.org/) and [addons.
- [ ] - youtube comments
- [ ] - better for github