Updated for MemProcFS v5.11
This is a plugin for Unispect, using the MemProcFS (PciLeech) Library.
NOTE ON THIS FORK: The original Unispect branch by Razchek has a bug where Memory Plugins are not disposed after dumping. This causes the FPGA connection to remain open until the program is closed again. This may cause problems with running another dump, OR using the FPGA in other programs. I have fixed this in my own fork of Unispect: https://github.com/imerzan/Unispect
Specifically in this commit: https://github.com/imerzan/Unispect/commit/0631aba2d73c39b87ad83f10f9463137f36cdcaa
Dump Unity Mono Assemblies with Unispect from a second computer, using an FPGA DMA Card.
- Place the following files into the Project Folder prior to building:
- vmm.dll
- leechcore.dll
- FTD3XX.dll
- Unispect.exe
- symsrv.dll
- dbghelp.dll
- You can download most of the above binaries at:
- Build the solution for x64. Place all build files into the Plugins folder in your Unispect Directory.
- (Optional) If you have a Memory Map place it in the Unispect.exe directory (one level up from Plugins).
- Memory Map should be named mmap.txt