Using React is a Business Decision, Not a Technology Choice
A higher-level, more business-case look at the pros of React -
React: A Competitive Edge and a Business Decision
https://reactjs-tampabay-b63e2.firebaseapp.com/#/ A slideshow laying out a number of arguments for using React -
React.js: The Good and the Bad
Some very good pros and cons based on experiences -
One Year of React.js at Arkency
Thoughts on experience with using React -
Productive Javascript Development
Looks at 6 ways different frameworks make things "easy": concepts, reading/writing code, architecting / maintaining / debugging apps. -
How React Helped Us Scale a Large Web App
https://medium.com/opengov-developers/how-react-helped-us-scale-a-large-web-app-d89f96c4790a A look at how React has been used to scale the OpenGov app architecture in terms of both users and developers.
The Case for Flux
The author of Redux lays out reasons you might want to use a Flux-style architecture -
Redux: Concept Over Implementation
Some high-level thoughts on why Redux over standard Flux -
Why use Redux over Flux?
Another good post from Redux's author comparing Redux and Flux
What's Your #1 Problem With React?
Developers discuss problems they've run into with React -
Application Architecture with React
More article discussion on React and Flux experiences -
"Pros and Cons of React and Flux"
A FANTASTIC comment that points out how each JS framework is a reaction to a specific category of problems -
"Any Serious / Large / Real Web Apps with React and Flux?"
Good discussion of scaling React and Flux past a small toy app -
"Redux feels bloat - what alternatives?"
Thoughts on Redux, its ecosystem, and API -
"Getting Started with Redux" discussion
Some great discussion on real-world experience with Redux, particularly by user TheAceOfHearts -
"Why has Redux become so popular vs other Flux solutions"?
Thoughts on the benefits and pros of using Redux -
"Has anybody actually built a decent sized React app?"
More good discussion on practical experiences -
"Here we see the culmination of the great Frameworks vs Libraries divide"
A great piece of insight: "pick and choose libraries" vs "use a full framework" is a personal choice based on trust and decisiveness -
"What are the real benefits of using Flux/Redux?"
Discussion of some of the actual practical advantages of using Redux, with some thoughts on similar structures in ClojureScript. -
"React Tutorial: Cloning Yelp" https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11782234
A great quote on the inherent complexity of developing any application (from yet another "Javascript Fatigue"-type discussion thread -
"9 things every ReactJS beginner should know"
Some interesting discussion on easy vs simple, desktop vs web, and managing container components. -
"React.js Introduction for People Who Know Just Enough jQuery"
A long discussion thread about many aspects related to use of React and frameworks. Plenty of good discussion overall. In addition, buried in the overall thread, some specifically insightful comments about managic codebase size and complexity, and doing web apps "by hand" with direct DOM manipulation vs what a framework like React provides. -
"I'm a web dev who uses jQuery for a large app - How can I convince my bosses a JS framework is the way to go?"
Another long, in-depth discussion thread on the merits of JS frameworks, as well as "big-bang" rewrites -
"Why isn't AJAX present in Many examples of React/Flow/Redux?"
A long discussion thread that covers several topics related to tutorials, articles, and official docs, and various approaches. Includes a couple comments from Dan Abramov on the limited size and scope of the React team. -
"How can I better market my Javascript library?"
The developer of a Redux wrapper library asks how to get more attention online. I offer a pretty long reply comment describing the various network effects involved in any addon library, and critique his specific library from a Redux user's perspective. -
"Our conversion from Angular to React"
A comment pointing out that React's "mostly the view" status enables it to be used in a wide variety of situations, which also means it works best when you are willing and able to come up with your own architecture. -
"Dan Abramov: Redux is not an architecture or a pattern, it's just a library"
A discussion thread covering a number of aspects of Redux usage, including its relation with other libraries and patterns such as event sourcing. -
"Why isn't AJAX present in many examples of React/Flow/Redux?"
Discussion of why a typical React app is made up of many different libraries and pieces. -
"Confused: Redux or MobX?"
An in-depth thread comparing the two libraries. Includes comments from both Dan Abramov of Redux and Michel Weststrate of MobX describing their libraries, as well a number of other good comparisons.
Dan Abramov Twitter threads addressing patent concerns
A couple of extended discussions from Dan debunking myths about React's PATENTS clause, and a collection of further related links -
Comments from other companies on the acceptability of the license
Comments from developers at Automattic, Google, Spotify, and Microsoft, indicating they're fine with using React -
Further discussions
More discussion threads regarding the PATENTS license