- The initial release. Adds Knockabck Sticks and Better Knockback Sticks.
- Adds enchantments: Poison, Wither, Frost, and Weakness Tipped, plus Invis Hit and OP Ench, which includes all other enchantments.
- Adds Fire Stick, Raw Blaze Core, Refined Blaze Core, Blaze Core Residue (+ Yeet Ball).
- Fire Stick
- Craft using vanilla items & Refined Blaze Core.
- Extremely OP.
- Raw Blaze Core
- Obtain from Blaze God, summoned with:
- 5 Netherite Ingots
- 1 Nether Star
- 4 Diamond Blocks
- 16 Blaze Rod
- Craft with Diamond and Netherite Scrap to get Refined Blaze Core, with Blaze Core Residue left over.
- Obtain from Blaze God, summoned with:
- Refined Blaze Core
- Recipe above ^
- Used to craft Fire Stick
- Blaze Core Residue
- Left over from refining Raw Blaze Core
- Extremely good fuel source. In a Blast Furnace, smelts 50 ores for 1 Blaze Core Residue.
- Yeet Ball
- A slimeball-looking item that makes you go really fast when you hold it with TNT (gives resistance so you don't die).
- Unobtainable in Survival Mode.
- For "testing".
- Adds Drum, Drum Stick, and Drum Tuner.
- Adds Sponge Pistol, Sponge AK, Sponge Katana
- Sponge Pistol
- Shoots sponge blocks (as of 5/10/23, shoots sand blocks).
- Sponge AK
- Shoots sponge blocks (as of 5/10/23, shoots sand blocks), but they go twice as fast as from the Sponge Pistol.
- Sponge Katana
- An extremely powerful item with 46 (I think) attack speed and 15 attack damage. Also looks like a sponge.