A loader for the Intel Hex format used in embedded development.
- Supports all 6 record types
- Raw record parser (
) - User-friendly preprocessor (
) - Pedantic and lax parsing
fn processData(x: void, offset: u32, data: []const u8) !void {
std.debug.warn("read slice @ 0x{x}: {x}\n", .{ offset, data });
pub fn main() !void {
var file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile("data/example.ihex", .{ .read = true, .write = false });
defer file.close();
var entry_point = try ihex.parseData(file.reader(), ihex.ParseMode{ .pedantic = true }, {}, error{}, processData);
if (entry_point) |ep| {
std.debug.warn("entry point: 0x{x}\n", .{ep});