The following project accomplishes two goals:
- Predicting the 2016 US election results by county with supervised machine learning in R.
- Mining interesting association rules that relate to demographics and voting preference in R.
Three supervised machine learning models are used to predict election results based on demographics: K-Nearest Neighbor, Decision Trees, and Artificial Neural Networks. The models are compared based on accuracy and precision.
data - contains three data sets used in analysis (taken from kaggle, referenced in the credits):
a. county_facts.csv - Demographic breakdown of each county
b. county_facts_dictionary.csv - Dictionary to decode variable names in county_facts.csv
c. pres16results.csv - Results of the 2016 election by county -
images - contains vizualizations:
a. decision_tree.png - Decision tree created from modelling process
b. model_comparison.png - Comparison of 3 classification models used
c. population_trends.png - Population size by voting preference
d. voting_trends.png - Voting trends by top 5 normalized demographics -
classification.Rmd - R Markdown detailing the entire classification process, from data cleaning to model creation.
R is used for all model building - in the results R and SAS are compared.
The following packages are used:
#list of packages used
packages <- c("dplyr", "tidyr", "ggplot2", "class", "rpart", "rpart.plot", "neuralnet", "arules",
"plyr", "mltools", "arulesViz", "plotly", "RCurl")
#check to see if package is already installed, if not, install
for(p in packages){
if(!require(p, character.only = TRUE)) {
library(p, character.only = TRUE)
- Would like to thank Ben Hammer for the county_facts.csv and county_facts_dictionary.csv datasets, which were taken off Kaggle.
- Would like to thank Steve Palley for the pres16results.csv dataset, which was taken off Kaggle.
MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 Ian Jeffries