Note: the old unmaintained version is still available here
This .NET Core app generates a random payload stream and pushes it into an Azure Service Bus Queue / Topic or an Azure Event Hub. In addition to controlling the app via command line arguments, the tool supports adjusting some parameters interactively:
- Press Q or A to increase/decrease the throughput target in messages per second. Setting it to 0 turns off all rate limiting
- Press W or S to increase/decrease batch size (+/- 10 messages)
- Press Escape to cancel all threads and gracefully exit
Payload options:
- JSON consistsing of a UTC timestamp and a random string payload of an arbitrary length
- random string of an arbitrary length
Note: it is recommended to append
to your connection string to enforce AMQP for better performance
Software prerequisites:
- .NET Core Runtime 2.2+
- (Optional) Visual Studio Code and .NET Core SDK 2.2+ if you wish to build from source
- (Optional) Docker
- Download and extrack the latest release or grab a docker image from Docker Hub
- Run
dotnet loadgenerator.dll <parameters>
--service (Default: eh) Valid options: eh or sb for Azure
Event Hub or Service Bus respectively.
-s, --size (Default: 35) How many characters of random payload
to generate
-j, --json (Default: true) Generate json payload with a random
string or just a random string itself
-d, --dry-run (Default: false) Execute a dry run (messages will be
generated but none will be sent)
--terminate-after (Default: 0) Terminates execution after N seconds
-m, --messagestosend (Default: 100) Messages to send in each thread
before termination, 0 for infinity
-c, --connectionstring Required. Event Hub or Service Bus Namespace
connection string
-n, --name Event Hub or Queue or Topic Name. Alternative to ...;
EntityPath=... in the connection string
--checkpoint (Default: 1000) Log to console every N milliseconds
-t, --throughput (Default: 100) Target throughput, messages/sec, 0 for
--batchsize (Default: 1) Determines the size of the batch if
using batch mode
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
The following command will generate uncapped load in batches of 100 json messages, each message with a payload of 35 random characters. The code will run infitinely until a SIGTERM / SIGKILL is received or Escape is hit. Some parameters can be interactively adjusted in-flight
dotnet loadgenerator.dll --service "eh" \
--connectionstring "Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=****;TransportType=Amqp;" \
--name "eh-ah-perftest-32"
Execution started: 21/11/2018 5:38:16 AM
Service: eh
MessageSize: 35
GenerateJson: True
DryRun: False
TerminateAfter: 0
MessagesToSend: 0
ConnectionString: Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=***;TransportType=Amqp;
EntityPath: eh-ah-perftest-32
Checkpoint: 1000
TargetThroughput: 100
BatchSize: 1
Sample payload: {'dt':1542818296213,'payload':'AEPTGRZSZRITTKSYERKCBKQQLGNWEWVOWFP'}
Press Q/A to increase/decrease the target throughput
Press W/S to increase/decrease batch size
Press Escape to cancel all threads and gracefully exit
[2018-11-21T05:38:17.284] Target: throughput 100 msg/sec, volume: 0, batch size: 1, msg size: 68
[2018-11-21T05:38:17.284] Stats: 100 msg sent, long avg 97 msg/sec, short avg 0 msg/sec
[2018-11-21T05:38:18.262] Target: throughput 100 msg/sec, volume: 0, batch size: 1, msg size: 68
[2018-11-21T05:38:18.262] Stats: 200 msg sent, long avg 99.5 msg/sec, short avg 53.4 msg/sec
[2018-11-21T05:38:19.257] Target: throughput 100 msg/sec, volume: 0, batch size: 1, msg size: 68
[2018-11-21T05:38:19.257] Stats: 300 msg sent, long avg 100.3 msg/sec, short avg 70 msg/sec
[2018-11-21T05:38:20.263] Target: throughput 100 msg/sec, volume: 0, batch size: 1, msg size: 68
[2018-11-21T05:38:20.263] Stats: 400 msg sent, long avg 100.5 msg/sec, short avg 78 msg/sec
[2018-11-21T05:38:21.253] Target: throughput 100 msg/sec, volume: 0, batch size: 1, msg size: 68
[2018-11-21T05:38:21.253] Stats: 500 msg sent, long avg 100.2 msg/sec, short avg 82.4 msg/sec
The target throughput setting uses the call rate limiting approach and is particularly accurate with small batch size (1..5). It's great for 'warming up' the system for testing before removing all rate limiters. Smaller batch size is likely going to saturate your CPU first. Overall, the algorithm is pretty efficient and can push out 20k msg/sec in 100-message batches on a single-CPU machine.
A simple script that runs a 5-minute warm-up cycle at 100 msg/sec before removing the throughput cap and sending through 100-message batches:
dotnet loadgenerator.dll -c $CONNECTION_STRING -t 100 --terminate-after 300 -b 1 -n $ENTITY_NAME
dotnet loadgenerator.dll -c $CONNECTION_STRING -t 0 -b 100 -n $ENTITY_NAME
The code included in this sample is not intended to be a set of best practices on how to build scalable enterprise grade applications. This is beyond the scope of this quick start sample.
For more information, see these articles:
- Add a PID control loop and throttling to enable auto-tuning of parameters to achieve desired throughput more accurately