[work in progress]
The docker image contains:
Apache 2.4
PHP 8.2
- xsl
- xml
- mbstring
- mysqli
MySQL 8.x
Follow these steps to configure Metadata Editor and run the docker container.
At the end of the process, your folder structure should look like this
| (clone the current repository)
| php.ini
| .docker/Dockerfile
| vhost.conf
| database.php
| ...
└───editor (metadata editor source code)
To download the docker and docker source code and setup the project folder structure using CLI, run these commands:.
#clone repo
git clone https://github.com/ihsn/metadata-editor-docker metadata-editor-docker
#switch to project folder
cd metadata-editor-docker
#download metadata editor source code into a subfolder
git clone https://github.com/ihsn/editor editor
#download metadata editor source code into a subfolder
git clone https://github.com/mah0001/pydatatools pydatatools
Before you can start the docker container, review the docker-composer.yml
to make sure all settings are correct:
Apache port: The default port has been set to 8384, as nada docker uses 8383 by default
- ""
The Metadata Editor stores data in the app_data
folder. Create the following folders in the project metadata-editor-docker root:
mkdir app_data
cd app_data
mkdir editor tmp
Set permissions for the app_data
folder to allow the Apache server to read and write data.
Note : folder rights is dependent on your server's configuration.
chgrp -R www-data app_data
chmod -R 775 app_data
Set permissions for the editor
folders to allow the Apache server to read and write data.
Note : folder rights is dependent on your server's configuration.
cd editor
chgrp -R www-data files logs cache
chmod -R 775 files logs cache
If you are using the project folder structure as above, there is no change needed. Otherwise, update the volume to map your local metadata editor folder.
- ./editor:/var/www/html/editor
- ./app_data:/var/www/html/editor/datafiles
Editor does not come with a database.php file. You need to copy the database.php file from the docker folder to the editor/application/config
cp database.php editor/application/config/database.php
From the main folder where you have extracted the docker files, run this from command line:
docker compose up
That should build the image and launch the containers. If everything works, you should be able to see the Metadata installer at http://localhost:8383/ (change 8383 to the port you used in docker compose)
Depending on your installation, either use localhost (for local install) or server adresse (ip or url).
http://[localhost|server adress]:8384/
You should be redirected to install page.
Check the Folder READ/WRITE/DELETE permissions section. Everything should be ok, so adjust your folder permissions accordingly.
- Install Database
- Setup administrator