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Lin is a linear build system. Steps are run from top to bottom.

Getting started

Install the lin executable and lin nimble package with:

nimble install

Make a linseed.nim file:

import lin

var build = sequence("build", help = "Say hello")
var clean = sequence("clean", help = "Clean up hello", reverse = true)

var name = strVar("name", help = "Name to greet", default = "Bob")
var yell = boolVar("yell", help = "If given, yell")

build.step "hello":
  stdout.write "Hello, "
  stdout.write name.strVal
  if yell.boolVal:
    stdout.write "!"
  stdout.write "\L"

clean.step "hello":
  stdout.write "Goodbye, "
  stdout.write name.strVal
  if yell.boolVal:
    stdout.write "!"
  stdout.write "\L"

build.step "mkfile":
  if existsFile("somedir"/"somefile.txt"):
    skip "Already done"
  createDir "somedir"
  cd "somedir":
    sh "touch", "somefile.txt"

clean.step "mkfile":
  shmaybe "rm", "-r", "somedir"

if isMainModule:

Try the following:

lin --help
lin build
lin clean
lin build:hello
lin build --name Alice
lin clean build
lin clean build -l


Go read the full docs, but here's a high level overview of what's included in import lin:

Thing Description
sequence Name a new sequence of steps
strVar Define a string variable (which can be seen in the --help documentation)
boolVar Define a boolean variable
sh Run a subprocess, aborting on error
shmaybe Run a subprocess, ignoring exit code
shout Run a subprocess, returning stdout
sherr Run a subprocess, returning stderr
shouterr Run a subprocess, returning (stdout, stderr)
cd Run a block of code from within another directory
skip Abort the current step, but keep running subsequent steps
olderThan DEPRECATED: Determine if a set of output files are older than a set of input files
hasNewerSources Return true if a rebuild should happen
newerSources Return the source files that are newer than the output file

Other helpful hints:

  • Sequences can include other sequences, thus chaining them together. See the includes param.


Linear build system (in Nim)







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