IFC++ is an open source IFC implementation for C++. It was originally developed at the Bauhaus University Weimar.
The project is published under the MIT license, which means that you can use it for any purpose, personal or commercial. There is no obligation to publish your source code.
Project website (http://www.ifcquery.com)
The IFC classes, as well as a class factory and parser is generated with a tool that is available here: https://github.com/ifcquery/Express2SourceConverter
Steel frame model
980 000 entities loaded, 8000 with geometric representation. Loaded in < 4 sec. on a standard PC, including geometry.
Steel frame model.
330 000 entities loaded, 3500 with geometric representation. Loaded in < 4 sec. on a standard PC, including geometry.
Office building.
70 423 entities loaded, 2235 with geometric representation. Loaded in < 1 sec. on a standard PC, including geometry.
Office building.
Office building with offset in y-direction for each building storey. The offset allows for a better overview when there are several storeys.
Office building.
Office building with details in the viewer application
Office building with steel parts.
387191 entities loaded, 10021 with geometric representation. Loaded in 10 sec. on a standard PC, including geometry.