fflat - F# native script compiler on bflat
dotnet tool install --global fflat
fflat script.fsx # about 13MB, full .NET
fflat script.fsx --small # about 2.6MB, no debug/globalization/symbols
fflat script.fsx --tiny # about 1MB, no reflection/exceptions, no printfn!
run fflat --help
for a list of options
arm64 executable
fflat script.fsx --tiny build --arch arm64 # 1.2MB and runs on raspberry pi! 👍
using fflat to as an interface to the F# compiler
fflat ./mylibrary.fsx build-il --watch ## quickly recompiles mylibrary.dll on every change
bflat arguments are specified after build
fflat ./helloworld.fsx --small build -x -r "mylibrary.dll" --os windows ## ... etc
fflat script.fsx [--tiny|--small] build-shared [bflat args]
❯ fflat ./helloworld.fsx build --help
fflat <script> [fflat options] build|build-il|build-shared [<>...] [bflat options]
fflat options:
-t, --tiny Smallest possible executable (adds bflat args
--no-reflection --no-globalization --no-stacktrace-data
--no-exception-messages --no-debug-info
--separate-symbols -Ot). avoid using printfn!
-s, --small small executable but retains reflection, stack trace
and exception messages (adds bflat args --no-debug-info
--no-globalization --separate-symbols -Ot)
--output, -o <outputFile> output executable path
bflat options:
-d, --define <define> Define conditional compilation symbol(s)
-r, --reference <file list> Additional .NET assemblies to include
--target <Exe|Shared|WinExe> Build target
-o, --out <file> Output file path
-c Produce object file, but don't run linker
--ldflags <ldflags> Arguments to pass to the linker
-x Print the commands
--arch <x64|arm64> Target architecture
--os <linux|windows|uefi> Target operating system
--libc <libc> Target libc (Windows: shcrt|none, Linux: glibc|bionic)
-Os, --optimize-space Favor code space when optimizing
-Ot, --optimize-time Favor code speed when optimizing
-O0, --no-optimization Disable optimizations
--no-reflection Disable support for reflection
--no-stacktrace-data Disable support for textual stack traces
--no-globalization Disable support for globalization (use invariant mode)
--no-exception-messages Disable exception messages
--no-pie Do not generate position independent executable
--separate-symbols Separate debugging symbols (Linux)
--no-debug-info Disable generation of debug information
--map <file> Generate an object map file
-i <library|library!function> Bind to entrypoint statically
--feature <Feature=[true|false]> Set feature switch value
-res <<file>[,<name>[,public|private]]> Managed resource to include
--stdlib <DotNet|None|Zero> C# standard library to use
--deterministic Produce deterministic outputs including timestamps
--verbose Enable verbose logging
--langversion <langversion> C# language version ('latest', 'default', 'latestmajor',
'preview', or version like '6' or '7.1'
-?, -h, --help Show help and usage information
there is almost a 1000x difference in startup time for dotnet fsi scripts using nuget!
there is also FSharpPacker for .fsx scripts, which compiles .fsx scripts to native executables using the standard MSBuild pipeline (PublishAOT), but bflat can produce significantly smaller executables or even omit the .NET runtime/GC all together.
use --small
instead of --tiny
, --tiny will crash if your script uses any
reflection features.
there's many untrimmable features in the F# core library like printfn, quotations and linq. substituting all printfn calls with stdout.WriteLine will produce significantly smaller binaries as well.
Have fun!