The record order in the bibtex file does not correpond to the default order of the website. The default order is sorted by the year of publication, so the newly added papers will be close to the top of the list but it does not necessarily become the top 1.
author, title, year, booktitle for inproceedings (conference paper), journal for article (joural or arXiv paper).
url [link]: The url link to project page, the link to arXiv, or the link to your pdf file
code [code]: The url link to your code
data [data]: The url link to your data
video [video]: The url link to your video (e.g. your presentation in the conference)
slides [slides]: The url link to your slides
desc: Specify something which is normally shown in your resume/website but won't appear in bibtex file (e.g. oral presentation or short paper).
sum: A brief summary of your work
title, desc, and any text inside a parenthesis in the booktitle or journal field.