id | title | sidebar_label |
cicd |
OpenEBS Usecases - CI/CD |
Application developers of containerized applications rely on the development ecosystem for agility. CI/CD is part of the eco-system that enables applications to be tested through various pipelines (CI) and deployed into production automatically (CD) at the end of successful CI. Many of these containerized applications are stateful in nature, databases in most cases, go through state changes while being tested in the CI pipeline stages. When one of the stages of pipeline fails, developers would like to reproduce the state of the stateful application for further debugging. DevOps admins need a solution where preserving the state of the application at each stage of the pipeline is very easy and seamlessly integrated into the CI/CD platforms such as Jenkins using the API.
OpenEBS provides a perfect solution for this problem. OpenEBS has integrated the snapshot capabilities into Kubernetes way of taking stateful application snapshots and provides a snapshot provisioner to reproduce the state of the application from a given snapshot.
DevOps admin integrates Jenkins/Travis/other CI-CD systems to provision and take snapshot as shown above. At the end of CI pipeline, the OpenEBS volume and all the snapshots are deleted/destroyed. Once CD is done, DevOps admin configures the OpenEBS volume such that periodic snapshots are taken and preserved.
<< Spec file for taking a snapshot>>
<<kubectl apply -f >>
How to take periodic snapshots of a given OpenEBS volume
When a stage of CI pipeline fails, the DevOps admin can easily restore the state of the stateful application and provide access to the application developer, most likely in an automated way.
<< spec file for new PVC with snapshot>>
<<Kubectl apply -f pvc.yaml>>
With OpenEBS , developers and DevOps admin can easily and seamlessly automate the process of reproducing the status of a failed stateful application pipeline stage.
Learn more about how OpenEBS volumes work
Volume Policies of OpenEBS
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