Related topics:
- Thinking in React: Articles discussing ways to think about React applications and component structure
- React Implementation and Concepts: Includes articles that explain the differences between "components", "elements", and "instances"
React Patterns
An excellent list of common patterns for structuring React components, with examples -
React Component Jargon as of August 2016
A very useful glossary of widely-used terms describing React components -
React in Patterns
List of design patterns/techniques used while developing with React -
Functional Components vs. Stateless Functional Components vs. Stateless Components
Clarifies the meaning of the terms, which are often used in overlapping ways. -
How to use Classes and Sleep at Night
Some pragmatic opinions on when and how to use the ES6 "class" keyword, particularly in relation to React components. -
Embracing Functions in React
A look at stateless functional components in React, and why they might be useful or should be considered in the first place. -
React Stateless Functional Components: Nine Wins You Might Have Overlooked
Thoughts on reasons why you might want to write more components using the functional syntax. -
How to declare React Components in 2017
A quick overview of the three ways to declare React components, and which ones should be preferred.
Dynamically Rendering React Components
Examples of how to dynamically determine which React component to render -
Loading State Trick for Stateless Functional Components in React
An example of conditionally rendering a spinner component if a list of items is empty -
How to Dynamically Render React Components
A quick example of how to dynamically decide which component type to render -
All the Conditional Renderings in React
Examples of all the possible ways to conditionally render components -
"React render function organization"
My suggested approach for organizing render function logic for clarity and readability
Ownership and Children in React
Discusses the difference between "parent" and "owner" relationships, and what thechildren
prop can look like. -
ReactCasts #3: React's Children API
A screencast demonstrating how thechildren
prop to compose components together -
React.Children and the React Top-Level API
Overviews and examples of theReact.Children
APIs, and how they can be used to manipulate component children -
Send Props to Children in React
Examples of how to pass new props to child components usingReact.Children
A deep dive into children in React
An in-depth look at the power and capabilities of React'schildren
prop, and how children can be reused and modified. Includes several examples and demos.
React Docs: Component Specs and Lifecycle
The official React docs page on component lifecycle -
Understanding the React Component Lifecycle
A good look at which lifecycle methods run in which situations, as well as the signatures of each method. -
Dissecting React Lifecycle Methods
Breaks the lifecycle methods down into "mount/unmount" and "update" categories, and describes the purpose and use of each. -
The React Component Lifecycle
Another useful description of the order and purpose of the lifecycle methods. -
React In-Depth: The React Life Cycle
A deep dive into the lifecycle methods, and various techniques for using them. -
React Lifecycle Cheatsheet
A table listing the lifecycle methods, when they're called, whether each method allows side effects or state updates, and examples uses for each method
8 no-Flux strategies for React component communication
Very helpful list of ways to have React components communicate back and forth -
How to communicate between React components
Another good list of component communication strategies -
How React Components Communicate
A careful tutorial-based explanation of how to communicate between parent and child components. -
How to handle React context in a reliable way
Covers what thecontext
feature is, how to use it, and some concerns to be aware of. -
How to safely use React context
Guidelines for when and how to actually use React'scontext
feature -
Context All the Things with React
A talk on whatcontext
is, and how to use it safely -
ReactCasts #4-5: Context (Parts 1 and 2) A two-part series explaining what React'scontext
feature can be used for, and some potential concerns to be aware of when using it. -
React Context and Component Coupling
Discussion on the pros and cons of usingcontext
to pass data between components, and some examples of how to do so -
Higher Order With Context Examples of using Higher Order Components to pass data to nested components usingcontext
Context in React Applications
An overview of whatcontext
is, how it works, and when you should use it for passing data
Presentational and Container Components
Dan Abramov's foundational article on classifying components based on intent and behavior. A must-read for anyone using React. -
"People are reading way too much into 'presentational' vs 'container'"
Dan Abramov follows up his article by emphasizing that "presentational" and "container" was just a pattern he had noticed, rather than an approach that must be followed -
Leveling Up with React: Container Components
Describes the container component pattern and how to use it to split up responsibilities between fetching and displaying data. -
Smart and Dumb Components in React
Another look at ways to conceptually categorize components based on responsibilities, and some ways you can organize your code based on those concepts. -
Ramblings About React and Redux Architecture
Thoughts on structuring components as "Providers", "Behavior", and "Presentational" -
The Anatomy of a React Redux App
Breaks down the component structure of a typical React/Redux app, and classifies the different types of components that usually show up -
React and Flux in Production Best Practices
Delve's practice of describing components as "containers", "smart", and "dumb" -
Content vs Container
General advice for determining component responsibilities in terms of content, layout, and logic -
The React + Redux Container Pattern
Explanation and examples of "container" and "presentational" components and their responsibilities. Uses Redux for the examples, but the principles apply to "just" React as well. -
Refactoring React - Extracting Layout Components
Demonstrates creating reusable components that manage some aspects of styling and layout, such as a button with multiple sizes and colors. -
Share Code between React and React Apps
An exploration of how to refactor code to extract functional components and higher-order components for improved code reuse, including reusing the same components in both React and React Native apps.
Mixins Are Dead. Long Live Composition
A look at some of the issues with using mixins, and reasons why higher-order components are (usually) an improvement. -
Mixins Considered Harmful
Dan Abramov explains why the React team discourages use of mixins, and prefers HoCs -
Higher Order Components: Theory and Practice
Gives practical use cases for HOCs, such as authentication, routing, and data management, with samples. -
Sharing and Testing Code in React with Higher Order Components
Demonstrates extracting HOCs from existing code, and testing them. -
Higher Order React Components
A solid explanation of what HoCs are, with examples and use cases -
Higher Order Components: A React Application Design Pattern
A discussion of how to use Higher Order Components to keep your React applications tidy, well structured and easy to maintain. Also, how pure functions keep code clean and how these same principles can be applied to React components. -
Connected Higher Order Components with React and Redux
Demonstrates creating HoCs that are connected to Redux -
React, Higher Order Components, and Legacy Applications
Examples of how to integrate React into an existing application using HoCs -
React Higher Order Components in depth
A very detailed article looking at some advanced HoC patterns -
Real World Examples of Higher Order Components
Explanations and examples of HOCs and their uses -
Function as Child Components
Explains the "function as a child" technique as an alternative to Higher Order Components -
Functions as Child Components and Higher Order Components
Comparisons and examples for these two component patterns -
ReactCasts: Higher Order Components
A screencast that walks through the idea and usage of Higher Order Components -
ReactCasts: Function as Child Component
A screencast that introduces the idea of Functions as Children and demonstrates usage -
Annotations about React Higher-Order Components
An explanation of what HOCs are, what they can be used for, and when to use them. -
Single-Prop HOCs - Better Composition in React
Thoughts and examples of composing multiple small focused HOCs together into a final combined HOC -
What are Higher Order Components?
A short, simple explanation of what an HOC is, and how they can be used -
Higher Order What?
A quick introduction to the concept of Higher Order Functions and Components
React and third-party libraries
Demonstrates how to build a React component that wraps up non-React code like a jQuery UI plugin -
Using React and jQuery Together
Examples of how to use jQuery inside a React component, and React inside jQuery-controlled elements -
Using React and PixiJS
Demonstrates how to use React's component lifecycle methods to control the imperative PixiJS API -
Mapping declarative React components to imperative external APIs
A quick example of usingcomponentWillReceiveProps
to pass updates to an imperative API -
How to Write a Google Maps React Component
Demonstrates how to wrap a third-party component that has an imperative API, lazy-loading the dependencies, and more. -
Building SVG Maps with React
Demonstrates building a component that zooms and pans SVG graphics based on user input. -
How to Sprinkle ReactJS into an Existing Web Application
Looks at how to incrementally add some React-based functionality into an existing app, including interaction with jQuery. -
How to Use jQuery Libraries in the React Ecosystem
Some excellent examples of using React components to wrap up jQuery plugins: creating the plugin instance, updating the plugin from React props, and destroying the plugin on unmount. -
Introducing React into an Existing Application
Some examples of how to progressively add React components into an existing jQuery-based application and keep them in sync with the rest of the app. -
How to use D3.js in React
An overview of three ways to integrate D3 into a React app: using React to render, using D3 to render, and a hybrid approach. -
Renderless Components, or How Logic Doesn't Always Need a UI
Shows how you can create components that return null fromrender
, and use React's lifecycle methods to drive imperative logic rather than rendering UI.
How to Render Components Outside the Main React App
An example of a technique that's also know as the "portal" approach, commonly used for rendering modals on top of the rest of an application. -
Modals in React
A demonstration of building a reusable modal component using the "portals" technique -
Modal Dialogs in React
An excellent example of how to approach rendering modals in React, by controlling them with props
The React Controller View Pattern
Describes using top-level components to hold state and pass it to children as props -
Functional React Series - Part 1: Get your App outta my Component
Part 1 in a series about writing React applications by treating components as functions, not templates. -
Make Your React Components Pretty
Techniques for making your components easier to read, including using functional components, using JSX spread for props, and use of destructuring. -
Component Factories in React.js
A variation on Dependency Injection for React components -
Functional Components with React stateless functions and Ramda
Examples of using Ramda functions to compose together components -
"What is the ideal way to pass data to a callback prop?
Discussion and examples of various ways to pass data to callbacks between children and parents -
On Privacy with React Context
Thoughts on some potential issues with various component/state patterns (globals, Redux, Flux, Ember), and a sketch of a notional approach that might help solve some of those issues. -
Internationalizing React Apps
An extended investigation of server and client aspects needed for internationalization.