Clone this Github Project with recursive command
$ git clone --recursive
Change directory to the Github source code folder
cd OR-Prov-Reproducibility
Create a python2 virtual environment, this will create conda virtual environment directory (or-venv) on the folder and activate the virtual environment
conda create --prefix or-venv python=2.7
source activate or-venv
Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
This experiment modules use the enhanced/customized refine-client-py OpenRefine Client API based on python 2.7, you can install the module by executing
cd refine-client-py
python install
or if you are in the development machine and want to use the script directly you can make a symbolic link
ln -s refine-client-py/google ./google
Command for using the orcli script
usage: <command> [<args>]
orcli commands are:
extract Extract enhanced recipe from OpenRefine project file
list List Projects from the openrefine server
run Run openrefine extracted history on the OpenRefine server
compare Compare two OpenRefine files output
compare_recipes Compare two OpenRefine extracted history
usage: python extract [-h] [-i INPUT] [-o OUTPUT]
Extract enhanced recipe from the OpenRefine project (format file: tar.gz)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
OpenRefine project file (tar.gz)
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
OpenRefine extracted history/recipe (in json format),
if not specified: <project_file_name>.json
$ python extract -i test_files/Tutorial_OR.openrefine.tar.gz
create a folder
{u'contributors': u'',
u'created': u'2019-04-20T22:38:19Z',
u'creator': u'',
u'customMetadata': {},
u'description': u'',
u'encoding': u'UTF-8',
u'encodingConfidence': 0,
u'homepage': u'',
u'image': u'',
u'importOptionMetadata': [{u'fileSource': u'Dataset/Menu.csv',
u'guessCellValueTypes': False,
u'headerLines': 1,
u'ignoreLines': -1,
u'includeFileSources': False,
u'limit': -1,
u'linesPerRow': 1,
u'processQuotes': True,
u'projectName': u'Tutorial_OR',
u'separator': u',',
u'skipDataLines': 0,
u'storeBlankCellsAsNulls': True,
u'storeBlankRows': True,
u'storeEmptyStrings': True,
u'trimStrings': False}],
u'license': u'',
u'modified': u'2019-04-21T18:49:14Z',
u'name': u'Tutorial_OR',
u'password': u'',
u'preferences': {u'entries': {u'scripting.expressions': {u'class': u'',
u'list': [],
u'top': 100},
u'scripting.starred-expressions': {u'class': u'',
u'list': [],
u'top': 2147483647}}},
u'rowCount': 17545,
u'subject': u'',
u'tags': [],
u'title': u'',
u'version': u''}
Complete Operation History saved as : test_files/Tutorial_OR.openrefine.json
List OpenRefine Projects, needed to get the project id or project name for runner script. OpenRefine must run in the same machine if the "server" parameter is not provided
usage: python list [-h] [-s SERVER]
List OpenRefine projects from the server
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SERVER, --server SERVER
openrefine server address (default:
$ python list
id name (created_time)
1640253865572 Airbnblistings_dirty csv (2019-05-02T18:52:42Z)
2268292899761 Traffic_Violations csv (2019-05-02T18:52:42Z)
1611470445474 menu_question csv (2019-05-02T18:52:40Z)
2490367294591 Airbnblistings_dirty csv csv (2019-05-02T18:52:40Z)
Run OpenRefine recipe on the particular ProjectID or ProjectName in the OpenRefine server
usage: python run [-h] [-i INPUT] [-pid PROJECT_ID] [-pname PROJECT_NAME]
recipe runner, will execute open refine recipe on the server using openrefine
client api
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
openrefine operation history file (usually in json
-pid PROJECT_ID, --project-id PROJECT_ID
project id for target script execution
-pname PROJECT_NAME, --project-name PROJECT_NAME
project name for executed script, if project id
assigned, will use project id instead
-s SERVER, --server SERVER
openrefine server address (default:
$ python run -i test_files/Tutorial_OR.openrefine.json -pid 1883642963987
recipe test_files/Tutorial_OR.openrefine.json executed on project id: 1883642963987
usage: python compare [-h]
Command compare <file1> <file2> Compare two OpenRefine output files
<file1> and <file2>
$ python compare test_files/Tutorial_OR.csv test_files/Tutorial_OR_clean.csv
+35511,E. Ettinger Café and Restaurant,e. ettinger café and restaurant,,,,,,,,1913-09-23,,,,2 images,1913-0742_wotm,,,E. Ettinger Café and Restaurant,,Dollars,$,complete,2,64
+35512,Whites,whites,,,,,,,,1913-09-24,,,,4 images,1913-0743_wotm,,,Whites,,Dollars,$,complete,4,297
+35513,Riggs',riggs',,,,,,,,1913-09-24,,,,4 images,1913-0744_wotm,,,Riggs',,Dollars,$,complete,4,321
+35514,Woolpack Hotel,woolpack hotel,,,,,,,,1913-09-24,,,,2 images,1913-0745_wotm,,,Woolpack Hotel,,,,complete,2,8
+35515,Hotel LaSalle,hotel lasalle,,,,,,,,1913-09-24,,,,1 image,1913-0746_wotm,,,Hotel LaSalle,,,,complete,1,22
+35516,Dennett's,dennett's,,,,,,,,1913-09-24,,,,1 image,1913-0747_wotm,,,Dennett's,,Dollars,$,complete,1,125
+35517,The Cortlandt,the cortlandt,,,,,,,,1913-09-24,,,,1 image,1913-0748_wotm,,,The Cortlandt,,Dollars,$,complete,1,101
+35518,Hotel Schynige Platte und Hotel Bellevue,hotel schynige platte und hotel bellevue,,,,,,,,1913-09-24,,,,4 images,1913-0749_wotm,,,Hotel Schynige Platte und Hotel Bellevue,,Swiss Francs,Fr,complete,4,161
+35526,"Christmas Dinner, Troop F 19: Fort Huachuca, Arizona, 10th Cavalry, Christmas",christmas dinner, troop f 19: fort huachuca, arizona, 10th cavalry, christmas,,,,1920-12-25,,,,"Fort Huachuca, Arizona",C.10_wotm,,,"Christmas Dinner, Troop F 19: Fort Huachuca, Arizona, 10th Cavalry, Christmas",,,,complete,10,32
found differences between test_files/Tutorial_OR.csv and test_files/Tutorial_OR_clean.csv
usage: python compare_recipes [-h]
Command compare_recipes <file1> <file2> Compare two OpenRefine recipe
files <file1> and <file2>
$ python compare_recipes ./test_files/Tutorial_OR_ui_ops.json ./test_files/Tutorial_OR_complete_ops.json
{insert: [(2, {u'cell': u'3', u'new': u'{"v":"tutorial_menu"}', u'row': u'3', u'old': u'{"v":"LUNCH;"}', u'op': u'custom/single-edit'}), (7, {u'oldFlagged': u'false', u'row': u'1', u'newFlagged': u'true', u'op': u'custom/flag'}), (8, {u'oldStarred': u'false', u'row': u'1', u'newStarred': u'true', u'op': u'custom/star'}), (11, {u'cell': u'3', u'new': u'{"v":"Abendessen"}', u'row': u'1', u'old': u'{"v":"[DINNER]"}', u'op': u'custom/single-edit'})]}