Heroku CLI plugin to run one-off dyno processes.
display recent log output
$ heroku logs
-a, --app=app (required) app to run command against
-d, --dyno=dyno only show output from this dyno type (such as "web" or "worker")
-n, --num=num number of lines to display
-r, --remote=remote git remote of app to use
-s, --source=source only show output from this source (such as "app" or "heroku")
-t, --tail continually stream logs
--force-colors force use of colors (even on non-tty output)
disable colors with --no-color, HEROKU_LOGS_COLOR=0, or HEROKU_COLOR=0
$ heroku logs
2012-01-01T12:00:00+00:00 heroku[api]: Config add EXAMPLE by email@example.com
2012-01-01T12:00:01+00:00 heroku[api]: Release v1 created by email@example.com
See code: commands/logs.js
run a one-off process inside a heroku dyno
$ heroku run
-a, --app=app (required) app to run command against
-e, --env=env environment variables to set (use ';' to split multiple vars)
-r, --remote=remote git remote of app to use
-s, --size=size dyno size
-x, --exit-code passthrough the exit code of the remote command
--no-notify disables notification when dyno is up (alternatively use HEROKU_NOTIFICATIONS=0)
--no-tty force the command to not run in a tty
--type=type process type
Shows a notification if the dyno takes more than 20 seconds to start.
$ heroku run bash
Running bash on app.... up, run.1
~ $
$ heroku run -s hobby -- myscript.sh -a arg1 -s arg2
Running myscript.sh -a arg1 -s arg2 on app.... up, run.1
See code: commands/run.js
run a detached dyno, where output is sent to your logs
$ heroku run:detached
-a, --app=app (required) app to run command against
-e, --env=env environment variables to set (use ';' to split multiple vars)
-r, --remote=remote git remote of app to use
-s, --size=size dyno size
-t, --tail stream logs from the dyno
--type=type process type
$ heroku run:detached ls
Running ls on app [detached]... up, run.1
Run heroku logs -a app -p run.1 to view the output.
See code: commands/run/detached.js