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Using MVVM Pattern

This app built with the new archeticture-components from google.

#Retrofit #Room #Navigation #Data-binding #KTX #Work-Manager #Life-Cycle-Extensions #Glide #RecycleView #Google-Maps

Running the webservice:

You need to run a back-end side using NodeJs: npm install and then npm start (The files included in project)

To-Solve & TO-DO:

  • (Tests) UI/Unit tests
  • (Code) (Critical) Network failure at first time will make the app cannot load data in the coming launch
  • (Code) (Major) In DeliveriesListViewModel, redundant if...else case
  • (Code) (Minor) When using Moshi, @Json should be used instead of @SerializedName
  • (Code) Glide v4.x, have circle transforming function. So may be no need to have custom CircleImageView
  • (Code) Dependency injection libraries can be used instead of using mocked "Inject"
  • (UX) Pull to refresh
  • (UX) Indicator when network error