- Release Notes
- Overview
- Installation
- Function - Jira Transition Issue
- Function - Jira Open Issue
- Function - Jira Create Comment
- Data Table - Jira Task References
- Custom Fields
- Rules
- Troubleshooting & Support
- Updated version for pyjwt dependency
- Added support for authentication with OAuth
- Includes new configs:
- Includes new configs:
- Added support for sending SOAR task notes to Jira -- see updated example workflow
- Added support for images in notes synchronizing to Jira
- Added config
for custom datatables - Added option in example rule to set Jira project ID as activity field
- Added App Host support
- Added proxy support
- Added support for https://pypi.org/project/jira/
- Changed config heading from
- Added configs:
- Added incident field
- Changed column name in
Data Table fromjira_api_url
- Improvements to data table handling
- Bug fixes
- Support for versions of Resilient 31.0 and beyond
- Initial Release
Provides integration with JIRA for Issue Creation, Issue Transition and Comment Creation
This app allows for the tracking of Resilient Incidents and Tasks as Jira Issues. Bidirectional links are saved to allow for easy navigation between the applications.
It also allows for the transitioning of Jira issues when the corresponding incident is closed and adds comments to the Jira issue when a Note is created in Resilient.
Example rules and workflows can used used or modified to meet your business processes.
- Issue creation
- Issue transition
- Comment creation
- Resilient platform >=
- App Host >=
(if using App Host)- To setup up an App Host see: ibm.biz/res-app-host-setup
- An Integration Server running
(if using an Integration Server)- To set up an Integration Server see: ibm.biz/res-int-server-guide
- If using an API key account, minimum required permissions are:
Name Permissions Org Data Read Function Read
- Proxy supported: Yes
To install or uninstall an App using the App Host see ibm.biz/res-install-app
To install or uninstall an Integration using the Integration Server see the ibm.biz/res-install-int
The following table describes the settings you need to configure in the app.config file. If using App Host, see the Resilient System Administrator Guide. If using the integration server, see the Integration Server Guide.
Config | Required | Example | Description |
url | Yes | https://<jira url> |
The URL of your Jira platform. |
auth_method | Yes | AUTH |
The method of authentication to use when connecting to your Jira platform. Supported methods are AUTH , BASIC , and OAUTH . For more information on authentication see: https://jira.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples.html#authentication |
user | Required for AUTH or BASIC |
<jira user> |
The username of the Jira account to use with this integration. They must be a user on the Jira platform with the correct permissions. |
password | Required for AUTH or BASIC |
<jira user password> |
The password or API Key for the Jira account to use with this integration. AUTH only supports password and BASIC supports both password and API Key. |
access_token | Required for OAUTH |
<oauth access token> |
Access token created through Jira OAuth 1.0a 3LO. Details below. |
access_token_secret | Required for OAUTH |
<oauth access secret> |
Access token secret created through Jira OAuth 1.0a 3LO. Details below. |
consumer_key_name | Required for OAUTH |
<oauth consumer key> |
Consumer Key name created through Jira UI. Details below. |
private_rsa_key_file_path | Required for OAUTH |
/etc/jira_privatekey.pem |
Path to file containing private RSA key associated with the public key that was uploaded in the UI. Details below. |
timeout | No | 10 |
The number of seconds to timeout after when making a request to the Jira platform. |
jira_dt_name | No | jira_task_references |
The datatable in which to store the data for synced SOAR tasks. Default is jira_task_references . If using a custom Datatable, this table must include the task_id , jira_issue_id_col , and jira_link columns. |
verify_cert | No | True |
A boolean value. Set to True if you want ti verify SSL certificates on each request. |
http_proxy | No | http://localhost:3128 |
Your HTTP Proxy. |
https_proxy | No | https://localhost:3128 |
Your HTTPS Proxy. |
OAuth authentication is supported with OAuth 1.0a protocol on Jira Server and Jira Cloud. This requires setting some configurations through the Jira UI followed by the 3 legged-dance described in the docs linked below. The main goal of this process is to generate a public and private RSA key, as well as a access_token
and access_token_secret
. Follow the steps at the appropriate links to setup the RSA keys and generate an access token. Then set the values as appropriate in your app.config. It is recommended to use App Host secrets to store the tokens if deploying on App Host.
Follow the instructions at the appropriate link to create a public and private key and to create an incoming link in Jira:
- OAuth on Jira Server (only step 1)
- OAuth 1.0a on Jira Cloud (only step 2)
As of v2.1.0, this app only supports OAuth 1.0a authentication to Jira.
Once you've completed the linked step above, you can continue with the rest of Jira's guide (in Java) or you can follow the Python steps below.
Note: these steps have been verified on Python 3.6. No matter the environment that you run the app in, it is recommended to run these steps with Python 3.6.
Create a python environment on a machine that has internet access to your Jira server. Install
in the python environment and the required associated dependencies$ pip install jira cryptography pyjwt IPython
This will also install the
utility which will be used in the next step. -
Use the
utility to preform the OAuth dance:$ jirashell -s <url_of_your_jira_server> --oauth-dance --consumer-key <name_of_consumer_key_in_jira_ui> --key-cert <path_to_private_rsa_key> --print-tokens
This will prompt you at a point to follow a link to sign-in and authorize the OAuth tokens. Click "Allow" and return to the shell. Type
and hit enter. The Access Token and Access Token Secret will be printed to your terminal. You can now exit thejirashell
prompt. -
Use the token and secret printed to your terminal to provide access to Jira for this app. If running in App Host, it is recommended to enter the values of the tokens as secrets in the app's Configuration tab by clicking Add Secret.
In App Host, upload the private key as a file by clicking New File. Paste the contents of the private key into the file and ensure that the path to the file is the same as what you wrote in your app.config.
Transition a Jira issue. This can be used when a Resilient Incident is closed or to change the Jira Issue's workflow state. See example workflow for configuration of function pre-processor and post-processor scripts
Name | Type | Required | Example | Tooltip |
jira_comment |
text |
No | "Updated in IBM Resilient" |
The comment to add to the issue in Jira |
jira_fields |
text |
No | - |
A JSON String of the fields to set in Jira |
jira_issue_id |
text |
Yes | JRA-1000 |
The ID of the issue in Jira. Also known as the issue key. E.g: "JRA-1330" |
jira_transition_id |
text |
Yes | 11 |
The ID to transition the Jira issue to. More information can be found in the Jira Documentation on transition_id |
results = {
'version': '1.0',
'success': True,
'reason': None,
'content': 'Done',
'raw': '"Done"',
'inputs': {
'jira_issue_id': 'INT-2106',
'jira_transition_id': 'Close',
'jira_fields': '{ "resolution":{ "name":"Done" } }',
'jira_comment': 'Closed in IBM Resilient\n\nResolution: Done\n'
'metrics': {
'version': '1.0',
'package': 'fn-jira',
'package_version': '2.0.0',
'host': 'example',
'execution_time_ms': 1357,
'timestamp': '2020-09-24 16:27:09'
Example Pre-Process Script:
# Example: Jira Transition Issue pre-processing script
### Define pre-processing functions ###
def dict_to_json_str(d):
"""Function that converts a dictionary into a JSON string.
Supports types: basestring, unicode, bool, int and nested dicts.
Does not support lists.
If the value is None, it sets it to False."""
json_entry = u'"{0}":{1}'
json_entry_str = u'"{0}":"{1}"'
entries = []
for entry in d:
key = entry
value = d[entry]
if value is None:
value = False
if isinstance(value, list):
helper.fail('dict_to_json_str does not support Python Lists')
if isinstance(value, basestring):
value = value.replace(u'"', u'\\"')
entries.append(json_entry_str.format(unicode(key), unicode(value)))
elif isinstance(value, unicode):
entries.append(json_entry.format(unicode(key), unicode(value)))
elif isinstance(value, bool):
value = 'true' if value == True else 'false'
entries.append(json_entry.format(key, value))
elif isinstance(value, int):
entries.append(json_entry.format(unicode(key), value))
elif isinstance(value, dict):
entries.append(json_entry.format(key, dict_to_json_str(value)))
helper.fail('dict_to_json_str does not support this type: {0}'.format(type(value)))
return u'{0} {1} {2}'.format(u'{', ','.join(entries), u'}')
### Define Inputs ###
inputs.jira_issue_id = incident.properties.jira_issue_id
inputs.jira_transition_id = "Close"
inputs.jira_comment = u"Closed in IBM Resilient\n\nResolution: {0}\n{1}".format(incident.resolution_id, incident.resolution_summary.content)
resolution_map = { "unresolved": "Obsolete", "duplicate": "Duplicate", "not an issue": "Won't Do", "resolved": "Done" }
# Define JIRA fields here
inputs.jira_fields = dict_to_json_str({
"resolution": { "name": resolution_map.get(str(incident.resolution_id).lower(), "Done") }
Example Post-Process Script:
from java.util import Date
time_now = Date().time
if results.get("success"):
row.date = time_now
row.status = "Closed"
Create a jira issue. To be used when a Resilient Incident is created. See example workflow for configuration of function pre-processor and post-processor scripts
NOTE: Some fields in Jira are required to open a new Issue. Ensure you add those fields in the pre-process script to jira_fields
when creating a new Jira Issue
Name | Type | Required | Example | Tooltip |
incident_id |
number |
Yes | - |
- |
jira_fields |
text |
No | - |
A JSON String of the fields to set in Jira |
task_id |
number |
No | - |
- |
results = {
'version': '1.0',
'success': True,
'reason': None,
'content': {
'issue_url': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/browse/INT-2105',
'issue_url_internal': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/rest/api/2/issue/41939',
'issue_key': 'INT-2105',
'issue': {
'expand': 'renderedFields,names,schema,operations,editmeta,changelog,versionedRepresentations',
'id': '41939',
'self': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/rest/api/2/issue/41939',
'key': 'INT-2105',
'fields': {
'issuetype': {
'self': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/rest/api/2/issuetype/10001',
'id': '10001',
'description': 'Created by Jira Software - do not edit or delete. Issue type for a user story.',
'iconUrl': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/images/icons/issuetypes/story.svg',
'name': 'Story',
'subtask': False
'timespent': None,
'project': {
'self': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/rest/api/2/project/10101',
'id': '10101',
'key': 'INT',
'name': 'Example',
'projectTypeKey': 'software',
'avatarUrls': {
'48x48': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/secure/projectavatar?avatarId=10324',
'24x24': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/secure/projectavatar?size=small&avatarId=10324',
'16x16': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/secure/projectavatar?size=xsmall&avatarId=10324',
'32x32': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/secure/projectavatar?size=medium&avatarId=10324'
'fixVersions': [],
'aggregatetimespent': None,
'resolution': None,
'customfield_10901': {
'self': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10807',
'value': 'No',
'id': '10807'
'resolutiondate': None,
'lastViewed': None,
'watches': {
'self': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/rest/api/2/issue/INT-2105/watchers',
'watchCount': 1,
'isWatching': True
'created': '2020-09-24T15:10:06.296+0000',
'customfield_10220': None,
'priority': {
'self': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/rest/api/2/priority/2',
'iconUrl': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/secure/attachment/14751/high.svg',
'name': 'High',
'id': '2'
'labels': [],
'timeestimate': None,
'aggregatetimeoriginalestimate': None,
'versions': [],
'customfield_10219': None,
'issuelinks': [],
'assignee': None,
'updated': '2020-09-24T15:10:06.296+0000',
'status': {
'self': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/rest/api/2/status/1',
'description': 'The issue is open and ready for the assignee to start work on it.',
'iconUrl': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/images/icons/statuses/open.png',
'name': 'Open',
'id': '1',
'statusCategory': {
'self': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/rest/api/2/statuscategory/2',
'id': 2,
'key': 'new',
'colorName': 'blue-gray',
'name': 'To Do'
'components': [],
'timeoriginalestimate': None,
'description': 'IBM Resilient Link: https://example.ibm.com:443/#incidents/2130\n\nThe CEO recieved an email with a malcious attachment',
'timetracking': {},
'attachment': [],
'aggregatetimeestimate': None,
'summary': 'IBM Resilient: Malicious email sent to CEO',
'creator': {
'self': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/rest/api/2/user?username=example',
'name': 'example',
'key': 'example',
'emailAddress': 'example@ibm.com',
'avatarUrls': {
'48x48': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/secure/useravatar?ownerId=example&avatarId=10713',
'24x24': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/secure/useravatar?size=small&ownerId=example&avatarId=10713',
'16x16': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/secure/useravatar?size=xsmall&ownerId=example&avatarId=10713',
'32x32': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/secure/useravatar?size=medium&ownerId=example&avatarId=10713'
'displayName': 'example',
'active': True,
'timeZone': 'UTC'
'subtasks': [],
'reporter': {
'self': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/rest/api/2/user?username=example',
'name': 'example',
'key': 'example',
'emailAddress': 'example@ibm.com',
'avatarUrls': {
'48x48': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/secure/useravatar?ownerId=example&avatarId=10713',
'24x24': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/secure/useravatar?size=small&ownerId=example&avatarId=10713',
'16x16': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/secure/useravatar?size=xsmall&ownerId=example&avatarId=10713',
'32x32': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/secure/useravatar?size=medium&ownerId=example&avatarId=10713'
'displayName': 'example',
'active': True,
'timeZone': 'UTC'
'aggregateprogress': {
'progress': 0,
'total': 0
'environment': None,
'duedate': None,
'progress': {
'progress': 0,
'total': 0
'comment': {
'comments': [],
'maxResults': 0,
'total': 0,
'startAt': 0
'votes': {
'self': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/rest/api/2/issue/INT-2105/votes',
'votes': 0,
'hasVoted': False
'worklog': {
'startAt': 0,
'maxResults': 20,
'total': 0,
'worklogs': []
'raw': '{"issue_url": "https://jira1-01.example.com/browse/INT-2105", "issue_url_internal": "https://jira1-01.example.com/rest/api/2/issue/41939", "issue_key": "INT-2105", "issue": ...
'inputs': {
'incident_id': 2130,
'jira_fields': '{ "summary":"IBM Resilient: Malicious email sent to CEO","issuetype":"Story","project":"INT","description":"<div class=\\"rte\\"><div>The CEO recieved an email with a malcious attachment</div></div>","priority":{ "name":"High" } }'
'metrics': {
'version': '1.0',
'package': 'fn-jira',
'package_version': '2.0.0',
'host': 'example',
'execution_time_ms': 2016,
'timestamp': '2020-09-24 16:09:51'
Example Pre-Process Script:
# Example: Jira Open Issue [Incident] pre-processing script
### Define pre-processing functions ###
def list_to_json_str(l):
Function that converts a list into a JSON string.
Supports types: basestring, unicode, bool, int, list and dicts.
If the value is None, it sets it to False.
list_as_str = ''
json_entry = u'{0},'
json_entry_str = u'"{0}",'
for value in l:
if value is None:
value = False
if isinstance(value, list):
list_as_str += json_entry.format(list_to_json_str(value))
elif isinstance(value, dict):
list_as_str += json_entry.format(dict_to_json_str(value))
elif isinstance(value, basestring):
value = value.replace(u'"', u'\\"')
value = value.replace("\n", "\\n")
list_as_str += json_entry_str.format(unicode(value))
elif isinstance(value, unicode):
list_as_str += json_entry.format(unicode(value))
elif isinstance(value, bool):
value = 'true' if value is True else 'false'
list_as_str += json_entry.format(value)
elif isinstance(value, int):
list_as_str += json_entry.format(value)
helper.fail('list_to_json_str does not support this type: {0}'.format(type(value)))
return u'{0} {1} {2}'.format(u'[', list_as_str[:-1], u']')
def dict_to_json_str(d):
Function that converts a dictionary into a JSON string.
Supports types: basestring, unicode, bool, int, list and nested dicts.
If the value is None, it sets it to False.
json_entry = u'"{0}":{1}'
json_entry_str = u'"{0}":"{1}"'
entries = []
for entry in d:
key = entry
value = d[entry]
if value is None:
value = False
if isinstance(value, list):
entries.append(json_entry.format(unicode(key), list_to_json_str(value)))
elif isinstance(value, dict):
entries.append(json_entry.format(key, dict_to_json_str(value)))
elif isinstance(value, basestring):
value = value.replace(u'"', u'\\"')
value = value.replace("\n", "\\n")
entries.append(json_entry_str.format(unicode(key), unicode(value)))
elif isinstance(value, unicode):
entries.append(json_entry.format(unicode(key), unicode(value)))
elif isinstance(value, bool):
value = 'true' if value is True else 'false'
entries.append(json_entry.format(key, value))
elif isinstance(value, int):
entries.append(json_entry.format(unicode(key), value))
helper.fail('dict_to_json_str does not support this type: {0}'.format(type(value)))
return u'{0} {1} {2}'.format(u'{', ','.join(entries), u'}')
### Define Inputs ###
# ID of this incident
inputs.incident_id = incident.id
# A map for JIRA priorities
priority_map = { "Low": {"name": "Low"}, "Medium": {"name": "Medium"}, "High": {"name": "High"} }
jira_priority = priority_map.get(incident.severity_code, {"name": "Low"})
# Define JIRA fields here
inputs.jira_fields = dict_to_json_str({
"project": rule.properties.jira_project_id,
"issuetype": rule.properties.jira_issue_type,
"priority": jira_priority,
"summary": u"IBM Resilient: {0}".format(incident.name),
"description": incident.description.content if incident.get("description") else "Created in IBM Resilient"
Example Post-Process Script:
if results.get("success"):
results_content = results.get("content", {})
incident.properties.jira_url = "<a href='{}' target='blank'>{}</a>".format(results_content.get("issue_url"), results_content.get("issue_key"))
incident.properties.jira_internal_url = results_content.get("issue_url_internal")
incident.properties.jira_issue_id = results_content.get("issue_key")
Create a Jira comment. To be used when a Resilient Note is created. See example workflow for configuration of function pre-processor and post-processor scripts
Name | Type | Required | Example | Tooltip |
jira_comment |
text |
No | "Updated in IBM Resilient" |
The comment to add to the issue in Jira |
jira_issue_id |
text |
Yes | JRA-1000 |
The ID of the issue in Jira. Also known as the issue key. E.g: "JRA-1330" |
results = {
'version': '1.0',
'success': True,
'reason': None,
'content': {
'self': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/rest/api/2/issue/41939/comment/53123',
'id': '53123',
'author': {
'self': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/rest/api/2/user?username=.example',
'name': 'example',
'key': 'example',
'emailAddress': 'example@ibm.com',
'avatarUrls': {
'48x48': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/secure/useravatar?ownerId=.example&avatarId=10713',
'24x24': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/secure/useravatar?size=small&ownerId=.example&avatarId=10713',
'16x16': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/secure/useravatar?size=xsmall&ownerId=.example&avatarId=10713',
'32x32': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/secure/useravatar?size=medium&ownerId=.example&avatarId=10713'
'displayName': 'example',
'active': True,
'timeZone': 'UTC'
'body': 'Please note that the CEO is travelling',
'updateAuthor': {
'self': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/rest/api/2/user?username=.example',
'name': 'example',
'key': 'example',
'emailAddress': 'example@ibm.com',
'avatarUrls': {
'48x48': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/secure/useravatar?ownerId=.example&avatarId=10713',
'24x24': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/secure/useravatar?size=small&ownerId=.example&avatarId=10713',
'16x16': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/secure/useravatar?size=xsmall&ownerId=.example&avatarId=10713',
'32x32': 'https://jira1-01.example.com/secure/useravatar?size=medium&ownerId=.example&avatarId=10713'
'displayName': 'example',
'active': True,
'timeZone': 'UTC'
'created': '2020-09-24T15:23:12.870+0000',
'updated': '2020-09-24T15:23:12.870+0000'
'raw': '{"self": "https://jira1-01.example.com/rest/api/2/issue/41939/comment/53123", "id": "53123", "author": ...
'inputs': {
'jira_issue_id': 'INT-2105',
'jira_comment': '<div class="rte"><div>Please note that the CEO is travelling</div></div>'
'metrics': {
'version': '1.0',
'package': 'fn-jira',
'package_version': '2.0.0',
'host': 'example',
'execution_time_ms': 1150,
'timestamp': '2020-09-24 16:22:57'
Example Pre-Process Script:
# Example: Jira Create Comment pre-processing script
inputs.jira_issue_id = incident.properties.jira_issue_id
inputs.jira_comment = note.text.content
inputs.incident_id = incident.id
# If this is a task note, get the taskId
if note.type == 'task':
# Set the task_id
inputs.task_id = task.id
Example Post-Process Script:
# Example: Jira Create Comment post-process script
# Import Date
from java.util import Date
if results.get("success"):
# Get the current time
dt_now = Date()
if results.get("content", {}).get("jira_url"):
jira_url = results.get("content", {}).get("jira_url")
jira_url = incident.properties.jira_url.content
# Prepend message and time to the note
note.text = u"<b>Sent to the Jira issue {0} at {1}</b><br>{2}".format(jira_url, dt_now, unicode(note.text.content))
Column Name | API Access Name | Type | Tooltip |
Action Date | date |
datetimepicker |
- |
Jira Issue ID | jira_issue_id_col |
text |
- |
Jira Link | jira_link |
textarea |
- |
Status | status |
text |
- |
Task | task |
textarea |
- |
Task Id | task_id |
text |
- |
Label | API Access Name | Type | Prefix | Placeholder | Tooltip |
Jira Ticket URL | jira_url |
textarea |
properties |
- | Contains URL back to the Jira issue created via the UI |
Jira Internal URL | jira_internal_url |
text |
properties |
- | The REST API URL |
Jira Issue ID | jira_issue_id |
text |
properties |
JRA-1000 | The ID of the issue in Jira. E.g. JRA-1000 |
Rule Name | Object | Workflow Triggered |
Example: Create Jira Issue (Task) | task | example_jira_open_issue_task |
Example: Jira Close Issue (Task) | jira_task_references | jira_transition_issue_task |
Example: Create Jira Issue | incident | jira_open_issue |
Example: Jira Close Issue | incident | jira_transition_issue |
Example: Jira Create Comment | note | jira_create_comment |
If using the app with an App Host, see the Resilient System Administrator Guide and the App Host Deployment Guide for troubleshooting procedures. You can find these guides on the IBM Knowledge Center, where you can select which version of the Resilient platform you are using.
If using the app with an integration server, see the Integration Server Guide
This is an IBM Supported app. Please search https://ibm.com/mysupport for assistance.