This package is for the 'blueprint' extension, i.e. 'az blueprint'. More info on what is Blueprint.
Install this extension using the below CLI command
az extension add --name blueprint
Blueprint can be scoped in a subscription or management group, which is a group of subscriptions. You can use management group by specify --management-group
, or use subscription by specify --subscription.
If both parameters are omitted, the command will use your default subscription. You can set it by running:
az account set --subscription subscription_id
Register Blueprint Resource Provider for your susbcription.
az provider register -n "Microsoft.Blueprint"
az blueprint import \
--name blueprintName \
--input-path "path/to/blueprint/directory"
In the input directory, there should be a file named "blueprint.json" with a blueprint definition and parameters for artifacts. There should be a subdirectory named "artifacts" and it should contain files for artifact definitions. Examples can be found here.
The import command will overwrite defnitions for the blueprint and its artifacts if a blueprint with the same name already exists.
az blueprint create \
--name blueprintName \
--description "An example blueprint." \
--target-scope "subscription" \
--parameters path/to/blueprint_params.json
An example blueprint_params.json may look like this:
"MyRoleName_RoleAssignmentName": {
"type": "array",
"displayName": "[User group or application name] ([User group or application name] : Reader)",
"strongType": "PrincipalId"
"MyPolicyName_Members": {
"type": "string",
"displayName": "Members",
"allowedValues": []
The paramters are for artifacts which will be added in below commands.
az blueprint resource-group add \
--blueprint-name blueprintName \
--artifact-name myRgArt
az blueprint artifact role create \
--blueprint-name blueprintName \
--artifact-name my-role-art \
--display-name "My Role Name" \
--resource-group-art myRgArt \
--role-definition-id "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" \
--principal-ids "[parameters('MyRoleName_RoleAssignmentName')]"
You can use the following command to get the role definition id based on role name:
az role definition list --name "Owner" --scope "/" --resource-group "" --query "[0].id"
az blueprint artifact policy create \
--blueprint-name blueprintName \
--artifact-name my-policy-art \
--display-name "My Policy Name" \
--policy-definition-id "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" \
--parameters path/to/policy_params.json
An example policy_params.json may look like this:
You can use the following command to get the policy definition id based on policy name:
az policy definition show -n policy-name --query "id"
az blueprint artifact template add \
--blueprint-name blueprintName \
--artifact-name my-template-art \
--display-name "My Template Name" \
--parameters path/to/params.json \
--template path/to/template.json
az blueprint publish \
--blueprint-name blueprintName \
--version "1.0" \
--change-notes "First release"
az blueprint assignment create \
--name assignmentName \
--location "westus2" \
--identity-type "SystemAssigned" \
--blueprint-version "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/blueprintName/versions/1.0" \
--locks-mode "None" \
--resource-group-value artifact_name=myRgArt name=blueprint-rg location=westus \
--parameters path/to/assignment_params.json
Values need to be assigned for the parameters when assigning a blueprint.
An example assignment_params.json may look like this:
az blueprint assignment wait \
--name assignmentName \
az blueprint assignment delete \
--name assignmentName
Deleting a blueprint assignment does not delete the resources created in the target subscription.
If you have issues, please give feedback by opening an issue at