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Azure CLI blueprint Extension

This package is for the 'blueprint' extension, i.e. 'az blueprint'. More info on what is Blueprint.

How to use

Install this extension using the below CLI command

az extension add --name blueprint

Blueprint can be scoped in a subscription or management group, which is a group of subscriptions. You can use management group by specify --management-group, or use subscription by specify --subscription. If both parameters are omitted, the command will use your default subscription. You can set it by running:

az account set --subscription subscription_id

Register Blueprint Resource Provider for your susbcription.

az provider register -n "Microsoft.Blueprint"

Included Features

Blueprint Definition Management:


Import Blueprint Definition and Artifacts Settings
az blueprint import \
--name blueprintName \
--input-path "path/to/blueprint/directory"

In the input directory, there should be a file named "blueprint.json" with a blueprint definition and parameters for artifacts. There should be a subdirectory named "artifacts" and it should contain files for artifact definitions. Examples can be found here.

The import command will overwrite defnitions for the blueprint and its artifacts if a blueprint with the same name already exists.

Create a Blueprint with Parameters
az blueprint create \
    --name blueprintName \
    --description "An example blueprint." \
    --target-scope "subscription" \
    --parameters path/to/blueprint_params.json

An example blueprint_params.json may look like this:

    "MyRoleName_RoleAssignmentName": {
        "type": "array",
        "displayName": "[User group or application name] ([User group or application name] : Reader)",
        "strongType": "PrincipalId"
    "MyPolicyName_Members": {
      "type": "string",
      "displayName": "Members",
      "allowedValues": []

The paramters are for artifacts which will be added in below commands.

Add a Resource Group in the Blueprint
az blueprint resource-group add \
    --blueprint-name blueprintName \
    --artifact-name myRgArt
Add a Role Assignment Artifact
az blueprint artifact role create \
    --blueprint-name blueprintName \
    --artifact-name my-role-art \
    --display-name "My Role Name" \
    --resource-group-art myRgArt \
    --role-definition-id "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" \
    --principal-ids "[parameters('MyRoleName_RoleAssignmentName')]"

You can use the following command to get the role definition id based on role name:

az role definition list --name "Owner" --scope "/" --resource-group "" --query "[0].id"
Add a Policy Assignment Artifact
az blueprint artifact policy create \
    --blueprint-name blueprintName \
    --artifact-name my-policy-art \
    --display-name "My Policy Name" \
    --policy-definition-id "/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" \
    --parameters path/to/policy_params.json

An example policy_params.json may look like this:


You can use the following command to get the policy definition id based on policy name:

az policy definition show -n policy-name --query "id"
Add an ARM Template Artifact
az blueprint artifact template add \
    --blueprint-name blueprintName \
    --artifact-name my-template-art \
    --display-name "My Template Name" \
    --parameters path/to/params.json \
    --template path/to/template.json
Publish a Blueprint
az blueprint publish \
    --blueprint-name blueprintName \
    --version "1.0" \
    --change-notes "First release"
Assign a Blueprint to a subscription
az blueprint assignment create \
    --name assignmentName \
    --location "westus2" \
    --identity-type "SystemAssigned" \
    --blueprint-version "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Blueprint/blueprints/blueprintName/versions/1.0" \
    --locks-mode "None" \
    --resource-group-value artifact_name=myRgArt name=blueprint-rg location=westus \
    --parameters path/to/assignment_params.json

Values need to be assigned for the parameters when assigning a blueprint.

An example assignment_params.json may look like this:

Wait for assignment to finish
az blueprint assignment wait \
    --name assignmentName \
Delete Blueprint Assignment
az blueprint assignment delete \
    --name assignmentName

Deleting a blueprint assignment does not delete the resources created in the target subscription.

If you have issues, please give feedback by opening an issue at