Currently, my main system is The Void Linux running on a Intel i7-8550U (4-core and 8-threads) CPU. I primarily use the i3 window manager and Polybar to replace its standard bar. I am using Picom for transparency and Alacritty as my main terminal along with Tmux to manage my terminal sessions. And Neovim as my main text editor.
__.;=====;.__ basanta@void
_.=+==++=++=+=+===;. ------------
-=+++=+===+=+=+++++=_ OS: Void Linux x86_64
. -=:`` `--==+=++==. Host: HP Laptop 14s-cf0xxx
_vi, ` --+=++++: Kernel: 6.1.20_1
.uvnvi. _._ -==+==+. Uptime: 4 hours, 20 mins
.vvnvnI` .;==|==;. :|=||=|. Packages: 675 (xbps-query)
+QmQQmpvvnv; _yYsyQQWUUQQQm #QmQ#:QQQWUV$QQm. Shell: bash 5.1.16
-QQWQWpvvowZ?.wQQQE==<QWWQ/QWQW.QQWW(: jQWQE Resolution: 1920x1080
-$QQQQmmU' jQQQ@+=<QWQQ)mQQQ.mQQQC+;jWQQ@' WM: i3
-$WQ8YnI: QWQQwgQQWV`mWQQ.jQWQQgyyWW@! Theme: Arc-Dark [GTK2/3]
-1vvnvv. `~+++` ++|+++ Icons: Arc [GTK2/3]
+vnvnnv, `-|=== Terminal: alacritty
+vnvnvns. . :=- Terminal Font: Hack Nerd Font
-Invnvvnsi..___..=sv=. ` CPU: Intel i7-8550U (8) @ 4.0
+Invnvnvnnnnnnnnvvnn;. GPU: Intel UHD Graphics 620
~|Invnvnvvnvvvnnv}+` GPU: AMD ATI Radeon R7 M260/M
-~|{*l}*|~ Memory: 2.15GiB / 7.65GiB
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global