💻 My personal dotfiles and tweaks for macOS.
I'm using Homebrew to install Mac applications, command-line tools and fonts.
1. Check for software updates.
$ sudo softwareupdate -i -r
2. Get this project somehow and go to its directory.
git clone git@github.com:iagodahlem/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
3. Install Mac applications (see caskfile) and fonts (see fontfile).
$ sh ./install-apps
4. Install dotfiles (see brewfile).
$ sh ./install-dotfiles
5. Tell npm who you are.
$ npm set init.author.name "{Your name}"
$ npm set init.author.email "{Your email}"
$ npm set init.author.url "{Your URL}"
$ npm adduser
We can learn a lot about productivity just exploring the way people work every day. Personally, I got highly inspired by Holman, Mathias Bynens, Deny Dias and by this setup and readme.
I can't agree more with Holman's thoughts on dotfiles: dotfiles are meant to be forked.
MIT License © Iago Dahlem