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Releases: iZakirSheikh/Audiofy


21 Jan 06:12
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v3.3.0-beta01 Pre-release

What's Changed

[[UPDATE] Enhanced Playback and Widget Functionality, Updated Dependencies

  • Playback: Added Player.REPEAT_MODE support to NowPlaying intent extras.
  • Playback: Updated widget events in Playback service to include UPDATE_EVENTS which include various events related to playback, timeline etc.
  • Dependencies: Updated Compose to 1.8.0-alpha08, Firebase Analytics to 22.2.0 and Crashlytics to 19.4.0, Activity Compose to 1.10.0.
  • Gradle: Updated versionCode to 182 and versionName to 3.3.0-beta01.

Full Changelog: v3.1.2...v3.3.0-beta01


20 Jan 07:01
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v3.3.0-alpha01 Pre-release

What's Changed

[FEAT] Added Glance based App Widget.

  • Created a new widget module.
  • Implemented new Glance based app widget.
  • Removed old implementation of AppWidget.
  • Implemented Universal composable for different types of layout.
  • Implemented Chronometer to show the elapsed time of the song.
  • Removed all drawables from main module and add them in new widget module.

[CHORE] Updated Gradle and dependencies.

  • Updated gradle to 8.10.2.
  • Updated agp to 8.8.0.
  • Updated kotlin to 2.1.0.
  • Updated room to 2.6.1.
  • Updated compose to 1.8.0-alpha07
  • Updated lottie-compose to 6.6.2.
  • Updated media3 to 1.5.1.
  • Updated `accompanist-
permissions` and `accompanist-adaptive` to `0.37.0`.
- Added new `glance-appwidget` and `glance-material3`.
- Added new  `junit`, `junitVersion`, `espressoCore` and `appcompat`.

[FIX] Fixed minor issue related to `NowPlaying`
- Added intent filter to notify `NowPlaying` to avoid `force stop`.

**Full Changelog**:


07 Jan 06:43
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v3.3.0-alpha Pre-release

What's Changed

[[FEAT] Integrated NowPlaying

  • Created NowPlaying class to manage current playing media state.
  • Emits state changes via broadcast to improve app/code quality by providing a single source of truth.
  • Enhances app performance as it eliminates waiting for initial update from Playback.kt.

[REFACTOR] Moved widgets package to the main app package.

[FEAT] Added Chronometer.kt.

  • Enables timer creation without refreshing notifications.

[FEAT] Implemented GoldenDust.kt and other app widgets using new technique.

  • Replaced controller with Widget Update Intent for improved speed and resource efficiency.
  • This will also be used for implementing app home screen widgets and other in-app widgets.

[FEAT] Added stability_config.conf.

  • Provides stability to non-app classes.

[CHORE] Updated compose to version 1.8.0-alpha07.

Full Changelog: v3.1.2...v3.3.0-alpha


07 Dec 07:00
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What's Changed

[UPDATE] Navigation and Translation Enhancements, Toolkit and Gradle by @iZakirSheikh

  • Navigation: Preserved backstack in bottomNavBar using singleTop; backstack clears on back button press.
  • UI Improvement: Moved Toast buttons to the start of the footer.
  • Promotion: Added a call-to-action for users to translate the app into their language.
  • Toolkit: Updated to version 2.2.5; replaced fadeEdge, verticalFadingEdge, and horizontalFadingEdge with fadingEdge.
  • Gradle & Crowdin: Updated Gradle to 8.7.3; pulled and manually updated Spanish (Latin American by @KeXxDumb) strings from Crowdin.

Full Changelog: v3.0.3...v3.2.1


01 Dec 07:02
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v3.2.0 Pre-release

What's Changed

[[FEAT] Added support for multi-language through Crowdin.

  • Uploaded source files to Crowdin.
  • Configured project for Crowdin integration.

[FEAT] Updated with new information.

  • Added new preview images.
  • Included details about multi-language support.

[FIX] Resolved minor issue with ListHeader.

[UPDATE] Replaced Android preference get/set with coroutines; now using Dispatcher.IO. This was the primary cause of ANRs.

  • It was a particularly tricky bug.

[FIX] Addressed issue with Playback service.

  • Replaced preference get/set with coroutines.
  • Added LoadController to ExoPlayer for faster video seeking.

Full Changelog: v3.0.3...v3.2.0


26 Nov 06:44
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What's Changed

[FIX] Resolved issue where top modifiers were applied twice on older …

…devices in mist.

[FIX] Adjusted blur parameters for improved visual appearance.
[FIX] Removed unnecessary use of backdrop (HazeState) when using accent.
[FIX] Temporarily disabled queue restoration on app start if it contains videos to address ongoing ANR bug.
[FIX] Corrected leading icon in Promotion to use accent.
[FEAT] Updated default filter in videoViewModel to use dateModified instead of folders.

Full Changelog: v3.0.3...v3.1.2


23 Nov 16:59
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What's new
[[FEAT] Re-introduced Promotions in Library

  • Implemented a new UI that is less distracting compared to the previous Toast-based approach.

[FIX] Fixed the issue with NavBar displaying a white line at the bottom of the screen.
[FIX] Removed temporarily the restoration of videos from the saved queue after app restarts, as I believe that it causes an ANR issue at startup.

  • This needs further investigation.

Full Changelog: v3.0.2...v3.1.1


21 Nov 11:24
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What's new

[[FEAT] Added actions to files of video screen

  • Added delete and share action to video screen. maybe more will be added in future versions.
    [CHORE] Some minor tweaks to UI elements like change in padding etc.

Full Changelog: v3.0.2...v3.1.0


20 Nov 16:05
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v3.1.0-beta01 Pre-release

###What's new
[FIX] Update IronSource SDK to 8.4.0

  • Issue: Detected an ANR (Application Not Responding) caused by a native WebView method within the IronSource SDK.
  • Analysis: Crash analytics indicated the native method as the source of the ANR, impacting user experience.
  • Action: Upgraded the IronSource SDK to version 8.4.0.
  • Expectation: The update is aimed at resolving the ANR issue based on the latest fixes and improvements in the SDK.
  • Updated Proguard- included the proguard rules of IronSource SDK.

Hoping this version addresses the issue effectively.

Full Changelog: v3.0.2...v3.1.0-beta01


19 Nov 05:23
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v3.1.0-alpha03 Pre-release

What's new

[FIX] Hopefully fixed the high memory bug and ANR caused by ThumbnailFetcher

Full Changelog: v3.0.2...v3.1.0-alpha03