$ docker images
nvidia/cuda 9.0-cudnn7-runtime-ubuntu16.04 4ee281bdc2ee 4 weeks ago 1.17GB
$ docker run -ti 4ee281bdc2ee
$ apt update
$ apt install -y git
$ mkdir /opt/snet; cd /opt/snet
- PYTHON 3.6: Installation
$ apt install -y build-essential checkinstall zlib1g-dev libreadline-gplv2-dev \
libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev libgdbm-dev libc6-dev libbz2-dev
$ wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.6.5/Python-3.6.5.tar.xz
$ tar xvf Python-3.6.5.tar.xz
$ cd Python-3.6.5/
$ ./configure
$ make -j8
$ make altinstall
$ cd..; rm -rf Python-3.6.5/; rm -f Python-3.6.5.tar.xz
- NODEJS 8.x: Installation
$ curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | sh
$ apt install -y nodejs
$ npm install -g npm
- GO: Installation
$ apt install -y golang-1.10
$ mkdir /opt/snet/go
$ echo 'PS1="$PS1\n"' >> /root/.bashrc
$ echo 'export GOPATH="/opt/snet/go"' >> /root/.bashrc
$ echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/opt/snet/go/bin:/usr/lib/go-1.10/bin"' >> /root/.bashrc
$ source /root/.bashrc
- Go Extras: Installation
$ go get -v -u github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep
$ go get -v -u github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go
$ go get -v -u github.com/golang/lint/golint
- Proto3: Installation
$ cd /opt/snet
$ curl -OL https://github.com/google/protobuf/releases/download/v3.4.0/protoc-3.4.0-linux-x86_64.zip
$ unzip protoc-3.4.0-linux-x86_64.zip -d protoc3
$ mv protoc3/bin/* /usr/local/bin/
$ mv protoc3/include/* /usr/local/include/
$ cd /opt/snet/go/src
$ git clone https://github.com/singnet/snet-daemon.git
$ cd snet-daemon
$ ./scripts/install
$ cp blockchain/agent.go vendor/github.com/singnet/snet-daemon/blockchain/
$ ./scripts/build linux amd64
$ cp build/snetd-linux-amd64 ../../bin/snetd
$ snetd
DEBU[0000] error reading config ...
ERRO[0000] Unable to initialize daemon ...
$ cd /opt/snet
$ apt install libusb-1.0-0-dev libudev1 libudev-dev
$ pip3.6 install --upgrade pip
$ pip3.6 install snet_cli
$ git clone https://github.com/singnet/dnn-model-services.git
SNET-CLI: Create an Identity
snet identity create [identity_name] [identity_type]
name of your SingularityNET Identityidentity_type
type of Identity (rpc, mnemonic, key, ledger or trezor)
$ snet identity create MY_ID_NAME key
set identity_name MY_ID_NAME
SNET-CLI: Publishing the Service (of your Agent)
Now it's time to publish the service on the network!
$ cd dnn-model-services/Services/gRPC/Basic_Template/service/
- snet service init
$ snet service init
Please provide values to populate your service.json file
Choose a name for your service: (default: "BasicService")
Choose the path to your service's spec directory: (default: "service_spec/")
Choose an organization to register your service under: (default: "")
Choose the path under which your Service registration will be created: (default: "")
Choose a price in AGI to call your service: (default: 0)
Endpoint to call the API for your service: (default: "")
Input a list of tags for your service: (default: [])
Basic Service, Template, Arithmetic
Input a description for your service: (default: "")
A basic template to show how to publish a service on SingularityNET platform.
"name": "BasicService",
"service_spec": "service_spec/",
"organization": "SNET_BH",
"path": "",
"price": 100,
"endpoint": "",
"tags": [
"metadata": {
"description": "A basic template to show how to publish a service on SingularityNET platform."
service.json file has been created!
- Now you have to create the 'service_spec' folder and put the .proto file inside it.
$ mkdir service_spec
$ cp basic_tamplate_rpc.proto service_spec/
$ ls -la service_spec/
total 12
drwxrwxr-x 2 artur artur 4096 Ago 22 13:24 .
drwxrwxr-x 3 artur artur 4096 Ago 22 13:24 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 artur artur 375 Ago 22 13:18 basic_tamplate_rpc.proto
- snet service publish
$ snet service publish
Creating transaction to create agent contract...
chainId: 42
data: '...'
from: '0xFF2a327ed1Ca40CE93F116C5d6646b56991c0ddE'
gas: 1788459
gasPrice: 1000000000
nonce: 241
to: '0x1fAa8ec70aFe4f5ce904dA935A6ddF5f3482eEDb'
value: 0
Proceed? (y/n): y
Submitting transaction...
- args:
agent: '0x1591F7ecB3C4Fb2E57a2679c30aC8D9b4EC65248'
event: AgentCreated
blockHash: '0x378d58f4a18f3e4a7b828e67c87c0db8fe8427d68c65686f76d0868f6a2927c2'
blockNumber: 8458369
cumulativeGasUsed: 7059222
gasUsed: 1788285
transactionHash: '0xb232da6977c1e427c6148071cd78de3b64a7db59ab8a17af5b36aa8b78208058'
Adding contract address to service.json file...
Creating transaction to create service registration...
chainId: 42
data: '...'
from: '0xFF2a327ed1Ca40CE93F116C5d6646b56991c0ddE'
gas: 1025279
gasPrice: 1000000000
nonce: 242
to: '0x440cF8424fcD7Fc2D2fF3a5668c919E93A3d2aAb'
value: 0
Proceed? (y/n): y
Submitting transaction...
- args:
orgName: 534e45545f424800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
orgNameIndexed: 534e45545f424800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
serviceName: '4261736963536572766963650000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
serviceNameIndexed: '4261736963536572766963650000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
event: ServiceCreated
blockHash: '0x9dcecddcaaf10f17a0f0f958a3ae94514427cf2a62db51065c7b929af27bc89e'
blockNumber: 8458371
cumulativeGasUsed: 1048919
gasUsed: 1025279
transactionHash: '0x0105eaa581334c22e6a6d8957d735fd059484b2b57b553b941364c106417d889'
SNET-CLI: List Services
List services from a specific Organization ('SNET_BH')
$ snet organization list-services SNET_BH
List of SNET_BH's Services:
- BasicService
SNET-CLI: Removing an Agent (Set your service unavailable)
snet service delete [organization] [service_name]
name of the Organization.service_name
name of the Service.
$ snet service delete SNET_BH BasicService
Getting information about the service...
Deleting service BasicService...
Proceed? (y/n): y
Submitting transaction...
Removing current contract address from session...
unset current_agent_at
Service was deleted!
- SNET-CLI: Checking you session
$ snet session
current_agent_at: 'YOUR_SERVICE_ADDRESS'
default_eth_rpc_endpoint: https://kovan.infura.io
default_gas_price: '1000000000'
default_wallet_index: '0'
identity_name: MY_ID_NAME
- If you need to change keys from your session.
$ snet unset current_agent_at
$ snet set current_agent_at 0x1591F7ecB3C4Fb2E57a2679c30aC8D9b4EC65248
- Go to the root of your service's folders.
- Create a json file
- Save it inside a
folder. - Generate the gRPC python codes.
- Access your service endpoint and start the Daemon.
$ cat config/snetd_basic_service_one_config.json
"DAEMON_TYPE": "grpc",
"ETHEREUM_JSON_RPC_ENDPOINT": "https://kovan.infura.io",
"SERVICE_TYPE": "grpc",
"PASSTHROUGH_ENDPOINT": "http://localhost:7003",
"LOG_LEVEL": 10,
$ sh buildproto.sh
$ python3.6 run_basic_service.py --daemon-config config/
Launching service.basic_service_one on ports {'grpc': 7003, 'snetd': 7000}
2018-08-22 16:48:48,343 - [ DEBUG] - basic_template - AdditionServicer created
2018-08-22 16:48:48,344 - [ DEBUG] - basic_template - SubtractionServicer created
2018-08-22 16:48:48,344 - [ DEBUG] - basic_template - MultiplicationServicer created
2018-08-22 16:48:48,344 - [ DEBUG] - basic_template - DivisionServicer created
DEBU[0000] starting daemon
- snet client call [method] '[json]'
one of your service's methods.json
the params of the method.
$ snet client call mul '{"a":12.0, "b":77.0}'
set current_agent_at 0x1591F7ecB3C4Fb2E57a2679c30aC8D9b4EC65248
Accept job price 0.00000100 AGI? (y/n): y
Creating transaction to create job...
chainId: 42
data: '0x5b6b5710'
from: '0xFF2a327ed1Ca40CE93F116C5d6646b56991c0ddE'
gas: 734276
gasPrice: 1000000000
nonce: 245
to: '0x1591F7ecB3C4Fb2E57a2679c30aC8D9b4EC65248'
value: 0
Proceed? (y/n): y
Submitting transaction...
- args:
consumer: '0xFF2a327ed1Ca40CE93F116C5d6646b56991c0ddE'
job: '0x5f8Db0C6F8c7757d2dd43611Ef024419e153Df67'
jobPrice: 100
event: JobCreated
blockHash: '0x5a6597b0588a895e56b1c66fa96b2e12900aa3c6018532ab887cfb327f1ccab5'
blockNumber: 8458612
cumulativeGasUsed: 1044692
gasUsed: 734276
transactionHash: '0xd5d07a7ad91fbd08539f358b4e573662aa9e7d0035ce13129dfbc19366cc7ac7'
set current_job_at 0x5f8Db0C6F8c7757d2dd43611Ef024419e153Df67
- job_address: '0x5f8Db0C6F8c7757d2dd43611Ef024419e153Df67'
job_price: 100
set current_job_at 0x5f8Db0C6F8c7757d2dd43611Ef024419e153Df67
Creating transaction to approve token transfer...
chainId: 42
data: '...'
from: '0xFF2a327ed1Ca40CE93F116C5d6646b56991c0ddE'
gas: 45552
gasPrice: 1000000000
nonce: 246
to: '0x3b226fF6AAd7851d3263e53Cb7688d13A07f6E81'
value: 0
Proceed? (y/n): y
Submitting transaction...
- args:
owner: '0xFF2a327ed1Ca40CE93F116C5d6646b56991c0ddE'
spender: '0x5f8Db0C6F8c7757d2dd43611Ef024419e153Df67'
value: 100
event: Approval
blockHash: '0x97539ba13555d89132317fbee569c282d943b0b8f34052b37744dd403b4959a3'
blockNumber: 8458613
cumulativeGasUsed: 45552
gasUsed: 45552
transactionHash: '0x01a5452e4873567cabf1f3d1af52a0671711e51672630a4e5f2f0cfd5d9dbc2d'
Creating transaction to fund job...
chainId: 42
data: '0xef47243d'
from: '0xFF2a327ed1Ca40CE93F116C5d6646b56991c0ddE'
gas: 71246
gasPrice: 1000000000
nonce: 247
to: '0x5f8Db0C6F8c7757d2dd43611Ef024419e153Df67'
value: 0
Proceed? (y/n): y
Submitting transaction...
- args: {}
event: JobFunded
blockHash: '0x3382a58c68fdc515a9945098bf427376757470d8dcebd6ce7946d4d8d83b4fef'
blockNumber: 8458614
cumulativeGasUsed: 56246
gasUsed: 56246
transactionHash: '0x8efa41a9bb87d68d50bc7579421d258fd72009b3e5ba6215d843f42600c42e13'
Signing job...
Read call params from cmdline...
Calling service...
value: 924.0
$ python3.6 test_call_basic_service.py
Endpoint (localhost:7003):
Method (add|sub|mul|div): mul
Number 1: 12
Number 2: 77