Looking for banana
- Pro
written in C#
Clear filter
A GUI client for Windows, Linux and macOS, support Xray and sing-box and others
📦BetterGI · 更好的原神 - 自动拾取 | 自动剧情 | 全自动钓鱼(AI) | 全自动七圣召唤 | 自动伐木 | 自动刷本 | 自动采集/挖矿/锄地 | 一条龙 | 全连音游 - UI Automation Testing Tools For Genshin Impact
实用的开源多功能原神工具箱 🧰 / Multifunctional Open-source Genshin Impact Toolkit 🧰
A bepinex mod to enhance game experience (maybe)
wiresock / WireSockUI
Forked from Epenko1337/EpexGUIGUI to use Wiresock VPN Client in application mode
PersistentHotspot is a simple application to help keep your wifi hotpot always ON in windows 10 that will autostart after a windows boot.