Starter template project for Symfony 5.2 - DDD/CQRS architecture, Front/Backend, Authentication, Tests, Fixtures, TailwindCSS theme & generic Twig components.
You can use this package as foundation for a new project, or for educational purposes.
This package requires PHP 7.4+
Create the new Symfony application using Composer:
$ composer create-project mediagone/symfony-ddd-skeleton project_name
DDD directory structure
Command and Query bus (CQRS)
Frontend & Backend example pages
Security routes : login, logout, register, impersonate
This skeleton comes with a bunch of installed and pre-configured packages:
- Symfony 5
- Doctrine & Doctrine migrations
- PHPUnit 9
- Small UID
- Common Types
- Common Types for Doctrine
- CQRS Bus
- Doctrine Specifications
- Twig PowerPack