Hi all!
I've since figured out how to manage xdg portals entirely through HM (should be merged soon nix-community/home-manager#4707), and thought it might be useful to raise it here for awareness.
Perhaps, once this works through HM, we could look into removing/updating this message:
(Required) NixOS Module: enables critical components needed to run Hyprland properly
As far as I've seen, generates a bit of confusion ("why can't I make my nixos config agnostic to my WM?").
Now that xdg portal (which was the only hyprland-specific system config a HM setup needs to work) is sorted, perhaps we could let them know they can either use the nixos module (for convenience) or, to avoid referring to hyprland on the system config, just set the lower level options directly (opengl, dconf, polkit)?
Happy to open a PR!
Also, should I file a PR/issue to set good defaults for xdg.portal
on the HM module, so that it all works automagically?