We recommend you use formal releases of web3j, these can be found on most public maven repositories.
Release versions follow the
convention, for example: 4.2.0
Snapshot versions of web3j follow the ..-SNAPSHOT` convention, for example: 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT.
If you would like to use snapshots instead please add a new maven repository pointing to:
Please refer to the Maven or Gradle documentation for further detail.
Sample gradle configuration:
repositories {
maven {
url "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots"
Sample maven configuration:
<name>Sonatype snapshots repo</name>
web3j includes integration tests for running against a live Ethereum client. If you do not have a client running, you can exclude their execution as per the below instructions.
To run a full build (excluding integration tests):
$ ./gradlew check
To run the integration tests:
$ ./gradlew -Pintegration-tests=true :integration-tests:test
web3j uses the Sphinx documentation generator.
All documentation (apart from the project README.md) resides under the /docs directory.
To build a copy of the documentation, from the project root:
$ cd docs
$ make clean html
Then browse the build documentation via:
$ open build/html/index.html