This repository contains all the materials and projects completed during the Data Analysis Professional Track offered by Udacity.
The Data Analysis Professional Track is an online program offered by Udacity that provides comprehensive training in data analysis, including data wrangling, exploratory data analysis, and statistical analysis. The program covers various tools and technologies such as Python, SQL, and Tableau.
This program consists of several projects that are designed to apply the concepts learned in each lesson. The projects completed during this program are:
- Explore US Bikeshare Data (Python)
- Investigate a Dataset (Python)
- Analyze A/B Test Results (Python)
- Wrangle and Analyze Data (Python)
- Communicate Data Findings (Python) Each project has its own directory in this repository, which contains the project files and a README file explaining the project requirements and approach.
To run the Python projects, you will need to have Python 3 installed on your computer. You will also need to install the following libraries:
- pandas
- numpy
- matplotlib
- seaborn
- datetime
- csv
- io
- requests
- scipy
I would like to thank Udacity for providing this comprehensive program and all the instructors and mentors who helped me throughout this journey.