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《Hello 算法》:动画图解、一键运行的数据结构与算法教程。支持 Python, Java, C++, C, C#, JS, Go, Swift, Rust, Ruby, Kotlin, TS, Dart 代码。简体版和繁体版同步更新,English version ongoing
Spring Boot helps you to create Spring-powered, production-grade applications and services with absolute minimum fuss.
#1 Locally hosted web application that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files
🔥「企业级低代码平台」前后端分离架构SpringBoot 2.x/3.x,SpringCloud,Ant Design&Vue3,Mybatis,Shiro,JWT。强大的代码生成器让前后端代码一键生成,无需写任何代码! 引领新的开发模式,引入AI模型能力 OnlineCoding->代码生成->手工MERGE,帮助Java项目解决70%重复工作,让开发更关注业务,既能快速提高效率,帮助公司…
The java implementation of Apache Dubbo. An RPC and microservice framework.
Alibaba Java Diagnostic Tool Arthas/Alibaba Java诊断利器Arthas
🔥LeetCode solutions in any programming language | 多种编程语言实现 LeetCode、《剑指 Offer(第 2 版)》、《程序员面试金典(第 6 版)》题解
an easy-to-use dynamic service discovery, configuration and service management platform for building cloud native applications.
微信开发 Java SDK ,支持包括微信支付,开放平台,小程序,企业微信,视频号,公众号等的后端开发
Apollo is a reliable configuration management system suitable for microservice configuration management scenarios.
循序渐进,学习Spring Boot、Spring Boot & Shiro、Spring Batch、Spring Cloud、Spring Cloud Alibaba、Spring Security & Spring Security OAuth2,博客Spring系列源码:
Spring Cloud Alibaba provides a one-stop solution for application development for the distributed solutions of Alibaba middleware.
A distributed task scheduling framework.(分布式任务调度平台XXL-JOB)
阿里云计算平台DataWorks( 团队出品,为监控而生的数据库连接池
🔥 Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.
Hystrix is a latency and fault tolerance library designed to isolate points of access to remote systems, services and 3rd party libraries, stop cascading failure and enable resilience in complex di…
Desktop/Android/HTML5/iOS Java game development framework
Redisson - Valkey and Redis Java client. Complete Real-Time Data Platform. Sync/Async/RxJava/Reactive API. Over 50 Valkey and Redis based Java objects and services: Set, Multimap, SortedSet, Map, L…
A powerful flow control component enabling reliability, resilience and monitoring for microservices. (面向云原生微服务的高可用流控防护组件)
Apache RocketMQ is a cloud native messaging and streaming platform, making it simple to build event-driven applications.