I decided to spend some time this weekend implementing the Spotify OAuth Implicit Grant flow in a macOS app. I haven't spent a lot of time working with macOS development in the past, so it was quite the voyage of discovery for me.
The Implicit Grant OAuth flow is the simplest flow to implement to facilitate user authorization for your app. It doesn't return a refresh token, but because the flow doesn't require the client secret, there's no serverside component to this auth implementation.
Open up XCode, and open the 'New Project' wizard. Select 'Cocoa Application' as your application type, and hit 'next'. Enter a product name, set your language to 'Swift', and you'll be good to go!
Follow Spotify's Register Your Application guide to create a new set of Spotify app credentials.
In your AppDelegate.swift
, you'll need to set up some variables to use when
constructing your authorize link. You can put these inside your AppDelegate
let spotifyAccountsBaseUri = "https://accounts.spotify.com"
let spotifyAccountsAuthorizeUri = "\(spotifyAccountsBaseUri)/authorize"
let clientId = "[YOUR-CLIENT-ID]"
let uriSchemeBase = "my-awesome-app"
let redirectUri = "\(uriSchemeBase)://spotifyOauthCallback"
Lets unpack what's going on here. We're setting up a spotifyAccountsBaseUri
which is the URI for the Spotify accounts service. We use it immediately in the
template string for spotifyAccountsAuthorizeUri
, the base URI that you present
to your users to let them authorize your app to work with their Spotify account.
Next, we set up a client ID. This is available in the Spotify application you set up in Your Applications. We'll use this to present the authorization dialog for your app to your users.
We're going to use a URI Scheme to handle the redirection from the Spotify
accounts service back to your application once the user has authorized (or
decided not to authorize) your app. To handle this, we create a uriSchemeBase
You can choose your own URI Scheme base, but it should be unique to your
application, and should be in kebab-case, with all
letters lowercase. We'll modify your App.plist
to tell macOS that your
application can handle your URI schema in a later step.
Finally, we register a redirectUri
. This is the specific URI that your users
will be directed to once they've completed their steps of the implicit grant
flow. We'll listen for requests made to this URI later on in order to recieve
our access token. At this stage, you should take your full redirect uri (in this
case, my-awesome-amm://spotifyOauthCallback
), and whitelist it in your
application settings page on developer.spotify.com.
Remember to click save!
When our application launches, we'll want to present the Spotify authorization
dialog to our user so that they can authorize our application, and we can start
calling the Spotify API. In the previous step, we created our
, which we'll now configure to authorize using the
client credentials flow, with your app's client id, and to redirect to the
correct place.
The accounts service takes our redirect_uri
as a parameter - it has to be URL
encoded. In your AppDelegate template, you will see the stub function
. This method is called once the application has
finished launching - an excellent time to ask the user to authorize the app!
Inside that function, insert the following code:
let characterSet = NSMutableCharacterSet.alphanumeric()
characterSet.addCharacters(in: "-_.!~*'()")
let urlEncodedRedirectUri = redirectUri.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: characterSet as CharacterSet)!
This takes the redirectUri we set up earlier and ensures that it's properly encoded to work as a query parameter for our authorization URI.
Now we can construct the URI:
let authorizationUri = "\(spotifyAccountsAuthorizeUri)?response_type=token&client_id=\(clientId)&redirect_uri=\(urlEncodedRedirectUri)"
This line assigns a new constant authorizationUri
, inserting a few query
parameters. The response_type
parameter tells the Spotify accounts service
that we're following the Implicit Grant flow as opposed to any of the other
supported authorization flows. We also provide the client ID of our application,
and the redirect_uri that we want the user to be redirected back to once they
complete the authorization dialog. If you were to print out the
, it would look something like this.
You can add scopes as a comma separated list of scope names (i.e.
) as a value of the
'scopes' query parameter, but for this example we don't need any extra special
To present it to the user, you can evaluate the following expression:
if let url = URL(string: authorizationUri), NSWorkspace.shared().open(url) {
print("Opened Spotify authorization dialog in user's default browser")
At this point, if you run your app you should see your browser open to the authorization uri, presenting an oauth dialog to your user (or asking them to log in). If you get an error like "Invalid Client" or "Invalid Redirect URI", make sure you've set your client id and redirect uris correctly at the top of your file, and that you've definitely added and saved your redirect URI in your Spotify Application Settings page.
But when you click 'Okay' on the Spotify Authorization Dialog, nothing happens! This is because our app isn't yet listening to requests on your URI schema, so it can't pick up the access token that the accounts service has tried to pass to it.
To fix this, we'll code up an event handler that listens to requests on our URI
schema. We'll add two functions to our AppDelegate
func applicationWillFinishLaunching(_ notification: Notification) {
let appleEventManager: NSAppleEventManager = NSAppleEventManager.shared()
appleEventManager.setEventHandler(self, andSelector: #selector(handleGetURLEvent(event:)), forEventClass: AEEventClass(kInternetEventClass), andEventID: AEEventID(kAEGetURL))
will be called just before the application
finishes launching - this is when we need to register our listener. We tell the
Apple Event Manager to call our handleGetURLEvent
function whenever it
recieves a request with a specific EventClass and EventID.
Now we'll implement our handler that appleEventManager
will call.
// Set up a field on the AppDelegate class to store our accessToken
var accessToken: String? = nil
func handleGetURLEvent(event: NSAppleEventDescriptor) {
guard let fullUrl = event.paramDescriptor(forKeyword: keyDirectObject)?.stringValue else {
guard let fragmentComponentsURL = URL(string: fullUrl) else {
guard let fragmentComponentQueryItems = NSURLComponents(string: "?\((fragmentComponentsURL.fragment)!)")?.queryItems else {
fragmentComponentQueryItems.forEach({ (item) in
if item.name == "access_token" {
accessToken = item.value
We also need to tell macOS that our application can handle requests via our URI
Schema. To do this, we add a property to our app's Info.plist
. You'll need to
add a property URL Types
, which should give you an array with 1 item
(Item 0
) containing a URL Identifier
. To Item 0
, you add a URI Schemes
property, which will give you another array with 1 item called Item 0
. Set the
value of the inner Item 0
to the value of your uriSchemeBase
constant, set
at the top of your AppDelegate
. In this example, it's my-awesome-app
. Now
your app should be ready to handle requests using your URI Scheme!
Now that we've successfully completed the Implicit Grant OAuth flow, it's time to use the access token we got to make a request to the Spotify API. Add this method to your App Delegate. It makes a call to the API, converts the response JSON String to a Swift object, and passes the value to a closure it recieves as an argument.
func getSpotifyUserDetails(dataHandler: @escaping ([String: Any]) -> Void) {
if (accessToken != nil) {
var request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "https://api.spotify.com/v1/me")!)
request.httpMethod = "GET"
request.addValue("Bearer \(accessToken!)", forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in
guard let data = data, error == nil else {
print("error=\(String(describing: error))")
if let httpStatus = response as? HTTPURLResponse, httpStatus.statusCode != 200 {
print("statusCode should be 200, but is \(httpStatus.statusCode)")
print("response = \(String(describing: response))")
if let json = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) {
if let dictionary = json as? [String: Any] {
Finally, we'll execute this function inside our redirect URI handler. The full
should look like this:
func handleGetURLEvent(event: NSAppleEventDescriptor) {
guard let fullUrl = event.paramDescriptor(forKeyword: keyDirectObject)?.stringValue else {
guard let fragmentComponentsURL = URL(string: fullUrl) else {
guard let fragmentComponentQueryItems = NSURLComponents(string: "?\((fragmentComponentsURL.fragment)!)")?.queryItems else {
fragmentComponentQueryItems.forEach({ (item) in
if item.name == "access_token" {
accessToken = item.value
getSpotifyUserDetails(dataHandler: { (details) in
if details["display_name"] != nil {
print("Congrats on implementing the Spotify Implicit Grant flow in your macOS Application, \(details["display_name"]!)!")
Now when you run the app and sign in, you should see this printed to your
console: Congrats on implementing the Spotify Implicit Grant flow in your macOS Application, Hugh Rawlinson!
, but with your Spotify Display Name, rather than
Congrats on implementing the Implicit Grant OAuth flow in your macOS app! You've
done well! The entire AppDelegate.swift
is available in this repo. If you need
any more help writing Spotify applications for macOS or any other platform,
please reach out to @SpotifyPlatform on
Twitter. Happy hacking!