MF-ASC is an individual optimization method (no weight sharing), that works with arbitrary search spaces. The search algorithm is described in the paper (see algorithm 1).
Multifidelity optimization is applied in the design of complex systems, where a computationally expensive high-fidelity objective function is approximated by a less expensive low-fidelity function and a few high-fidelity samples. In the context of neural architecture search, high- and low-fidelity evaluations are defined by the number of training steps before measuring networks' quality metrics on a validation dataset. MF-ASC algorithm addresses the exploration-exploitation dilemma using the acquisition criterion called upper confidence bound (UCB); we provide the means to integrate high- and low-fidelity sources by Bayesian multifidelity inference with co-kriging schema.
At each step the generator decides which fidelity to use and samples an item from the dataset that has not been evaluated with this fidelity level so far. A parameter r ≥ 0 determines the ratio of low-fidelity to high-fidelity calls; this parameter should be provided by the user. For each fidelity choice, the algorithm first computes the parameters of a regression model using the current state information; it returns the item that maximizes the UCB acquisition criterion by the regression model for either fidelity, excluding previously chosen items. The parameter beta defines exploration and exploitation trade-off: large values favor exploring items having high uncertainty in quality, while small values favor exploiting items having high expeted quality.
The algorithm is applicable to any search space that can be encoded into ℝ^n.
We use a MobileNetV2 search space to demonstrate the work of MF-ASC. The search space includes various combinations of values of repetitions and channels for each layer of the MobileNetV2.
For details about how to search a model, see the following configuration file for parameter setting:
- vega/examples/nas/mfasc/mfasc.yml
The configuration of the search algorithm includes the following parameters:
parameter | desc |
batch_size | the number randomly sampled candidates to be assessed by the search method at each iteration of sampling; the best candidate according to UCB criterion is sampled |
prior_rho | prior correlation between low- and high- fidelity quality metrics |
beta | parameter beta for the algorithm |
max_budget | the maximum number of training epochs in total for low- and high-fidelity evaluations |
hf_epochs | the number of training epochs for high-fidelity evaluation |
lf_epochs | the number of training epochs for low-fidelity evaluation |
fidelity_ratio | parameter r for the algorithm |
min_hf_sample_size | the minimum amount of high-fidelity evaluations (sampled randomly prior to the active search process) |
min_lf_sample_size | the minimum amount of low-fidelity evaluations (sampled randomly prior to the active search process) |
predictor_type | either 'mfgpr' for applying Multi-fidelity Gaussian process regression or 'gb_stacked' for applying stacking of fidelities in gradient boosting regressor |
The output is default reports.csv file from the Vega library.