diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE index 1221e3cda..931e5d704 100644 --- a/LICENSE +++ b/LICENSE @@ -1,10 +1,18 @@ This repository contains multiple packages: -- Squot, Squit, VersionControl, Pharo-compatibility come from here +- Squot, Squit, VersionControl come from here +- Pharo-compatibility was also initialized here, but consists mainly of code that was + copied and adapted from Pharo, in order to make FileSystem-Git run in Squeak. - FileSystem-Git and FileSystem (FS-*) are forks of packages originally hosted elsewhere. - Squot-CoAuthorsExtension was originally a separate project. The packages originating here are released under the MIT license as described below. +The code copied from Pharo in 2017 is released under the MIT license according to +https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/blob/6.0.0/src/System-Support.package/SmalltalkImage.class/instance/licenseStringTemplate.st, +https://pharo.org/features, https://pharo.org/contribute (all last accessed 2022-07-10). +The adapations to Squeak included here are also released under the MIT license +as described below. + The original FileSystem-Git was released under the MIT license according to http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~FileSystemGitDev/FileSystem-Git/ (last accessed 2019-02-15) and http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss/FileSystem-Git.html (last accessed 2019-02-15). @@ -16,11 +24,11 @@ http://www.squeaksource.com/fs.html (last accessed 2019-02-15). The additions and changes provided here are also released under the MIT license as described below. -=============================================================== -Squot, Squit, VersionControl, Pharo-compatibility packages, -Squot-CoAuthorsExtension, +===================================================================== +Squot, Squit, VersionControl, Squot-CoAuthorsExtension, changes and additions to FileSystem and FileSystem-Git packages -=============================================================== +and Squeak adaptations to the code in the Pharo-compatibility package +===================================================================== MIT License