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Schul-Cloud Server

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NestJS application

Based on NestJS

Find the documentation of this repository at GitHub pages. It contains information about

  • api design
  • code guidelines
  • development
  • migrations
  • architecture

There is also some old documentation in the server code /apps/server/doc/*.md.

Note that not all the .md file here are up to date.

NestJS Console Applications

Sync console

Find the Documentation here.

Feathers application

This is legacy part of the application!

Based on Node.js and Feathers

Application seperation

In order to seperate NestJS and Feathers each application runs in its own express instance. These express instances are then mounted on seperate paths under a common root express instance.

├─ api/v1/       --> Feathers-App
├─ api/v3/       --> NestJS-App

This ensures that each application can run its own middleware stack for authentication, error handling, logging etc.

The mount paths don't have any impact on the routes inside of the applications, e.g. the path /api/v3/news will translate to the inner path /news. That means that in terms of route matching each child application doesn't have to take any measures regarding the path prefix. It simply works as it was mounted to /.

However note that when URLs are generated inside a child application the path prefix has to be prepended. Only then the generated URLs match the appropriate child application, e.g. the path /news has to be provided as the external path /api/v3/news.

It is possible (not very likely) that the server api is called with URLs that use the old schema without a path prefix. As a safety net for that we additionally mount the Feathers application as before under the paths:

  • / - for internal calls
  • /api - for external calls

When these paths are accessed an error with context [DEPRECATED-PATH] is logged.

How to name your branch and create a pull request (PR)

  1. Take the Ticket Number from JIRA (, e.g. SC-999
  2. Name the feature branch beginning with Ticket Number, all words separated by dash "-", e.g. SC-999-fantasy-problem
  3. Create a PR on branch develop containing the Ticket Number in PR title
  4. Keep the WIP label as long as this PR is in development, complete PR checklist (is automatically added), keep or increase code test coverage, and pass all tests before you remove the WIP label. Reviewers will be added automatically.


Default branch: main

  1. Go into project folder
  2. Checkout to develop branch (or clone for the first time)
  3. Run git pull
  4. Create a branch for your new feature named BC-Ticket-ID-Description
  5. Run the tests (see above)
  6. Commit with a meaningful commit message(!) even at 4 a.m. and not stuff like "dfsdfsf"
  7. Start a pull request (see above) to branch develop to merge your changes