- Thanks for the great work: AFL, WinAFL. I am planting AFL fuzzer to Windows with Pin, Intel's instrumentation tool.Before you are starting using this tool, I strongly advised you to learn AFL fuzzer first.
- 1.0.1
- afl-fuzz [afl options] -- [Pin instrumentation options] -- target_cmd_line
e.g. afl-fuzz.exe -i input -o out -f input.txt -t 5000+ -- -coverage_module notepad.exe -cpukill -- notepad.exe @@
Options for AFL:
-i dir - input directory with test cases
-o dir - output directory for fuzzer findings
-t msec - timeout for each run
-f file - location read by the fuzzed program
Options for Pin:
-coverage_module module - module for which to record coverage
-cpukill - cpukill or not
- None
- To be continued.
- For now, it supports only 32-bit targets.