In USSD.sol function UniV3SwapInput swap token without a slippage limit which makes it possible to do sandwich attack and create MEV sandwich attack
The function UniV3SwapInput in USSD contract doesn't have a slippage limit so USSDRebalancer can be sandwiched
The function UniV3SwapInput is used to swap tokens and the parameters amountOutMinimum is always set to 0 so when USSDRebalancer tried to Rebalance it uses USSD.UniV3SwapInput which doesn't have a slippage limit SEARCHERS can frontrun and sandwich USSDRebalancer
- it creates MEV opportunity
- loss funds
V3SwapRouter.ExactInputParams memory params = IV3SwapRouter
path: _path,
recipient: address(this),
amountIn: _sellAmount,
amountOutMinimum: 0
Manual Review
don't set amountOutMinimum to zero