A simple deep reinforcement learning project on iterated prisoner's dilemma.
Open-ended coursework project for unimelb NEUR30006.
The projects tries to explore deep Q-learning network's capability in iterated prisoner's dilemma. It is divided into 3 stages:
Stage 1: Focus on implementing a DQN and investigate how it learns (vs. Tit-for-Tat)
Stage 2: Simulate the tournament in Axelrod 1984 (vs. different strategies)
Stage 3: Continue the exploration with distributed multi-agent learning (DQN vs. DQN)
network.ipynb: examples on using my network module, I would suggest to have a look on this before reading other notebooks Stage 1, 2, 3 .ipynb: notebooks corresponding to each section in the report Stage ... .py: training loops from stage 2 or 3, to be runned in terminals for data collections These are accompanied by 3 folders: network: my homebrew pyTorch/Tensorflow axl_utils: module to integrate the axl library with my network data: data (csv, ANN, any other objects) generated from the notebooks
This project also implemented a handcrafted deep learning module "network". The network module (inside the network folder) could be used standalone to construct simple ANNs by calling <import network>
This will import the following class objects:
- NeuralNetwork
- Linear_layer
- Activation_layer
- BatchNorm_layer
- Dropout_layer
- Maxout_layer
- Conv1d_layer (it works, buy every pixel in the same kernel gets a similar update, not sure if it is supposed to be so) (stride not yet implemented)
See network.ipynb for details.