See it live here.
I am a big fan of R MarkDown. This tool allows you to create interactive documents with text, figures and R code. I use it on a daily basis for my data analysis, wether it is to share it with others or simply to remember what I've done.
This repository is my custom template for R Markdown. It is based on the default rmd format. I just added a few lines of CSS + a html footer giving my contact details. It allows me to quickly start a new report.
The html output looks like this: (you can also see a real version here
I created this template for my personnal use but feel free to use it:
- Install the library in R:
- Open a new rmd file in Rstudio: File -> New File -> R Markdown -> From Template -> My Template by epuRate.
Thanks to Rstudio and its team for developing so many awesome tools.