The Azure Retail Rates Prices API provides users with a way to get retail prices for all Azure services without having to use the Azure Pricing Calculator or use the Azure portal. The API endpoint is at
and the Azure Retail Prices overview provides a few examples on how to use the API.
Below are some steps that I tested to try and query the API and import the results into a Pandas DataFrame.
import requests
import pandas as pd
service_name = "Virtual Machines"
arm_region_name = "westeurope"
filter = f"?$filter=serviceName eq '{service_name}' and armRegionName eq '{arm_region_name}'"
url = f"{filter}"
Using above example, the filter
variable should now have the value "$filter=serviceName eq 'Virtual Machines' and armRegionName eq 'westeurope'"
- Since the API returns 100 values at once, we need to use the
URL to continue the query. - Furthermore, we can see from the example output below that the relevant data is under
, which is why I only added theItems
values to the dictionary.
"BillingCurrency": "USD",
"CustomerEntityId": "Default",
"CustomerEntityType": "Retail",
"Items": [
"currencyCode": "USD",
"tierMinimumUnits": 0.0,
"retailPrice": 5.536,
"unitPrice": 5.536,
"armRegionName": "westeurope",
"location": "EU West",
"effectiveStartDate": "2020-06-01T00:00:00Z",
"meterId": "ff052bc0-bdca-5b48-b96e-37c82dda2ae8",
"meterName": "E64-32ds v4",
"productId": "DZH318Z0CSHB",
"skuId": "DZH318Z0CSHB/006X",
"availabilityId": null,
"productName": "Virtual Machines Edsv4 Series Windows",
"skuName": "E64-32ds v4",
"serviceName": "Virtual Machines",
"serviceId": "DZH313Z7MMC8",
"serviceFamily": "Compute",
"unitOfMeasure": "1 Hour",
"type": "DevTestConsumption",
"isPrimaryMeterRegion": true,
"armSkuName": "Standard_E64-32ds_v4"
"NextPageLink": "$filter=serviceName%20eq%20%27Virtual%20Machines%27%20and%20armRegionName%20eq%20%27westeurope%27&$skip=100",
"Count": 100
The relevant while loop is shown below.
all_records = []
while True:
if not url:
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code == 200:
json_data = response.json()
url = json_data['NextPageLink'] # Fetch next link
all_records = all_records + json_data['Items']
We now have all the values in a dictionary, which we can import into a Pandas DataFrame for further processing.
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(all_records)
The df
variable should now hold the corresponding data.
currencyCode tierMinimumUnits retailPrice ... armSkuName reservationTerm effectiveEndDate
0 USD 0.0 4.992000 ... Standard_L48s_v3 NaN NaN
1 USD 0.0 7.200000 ... Standard_L48s_v3 NaN NaN
2 USD 0.0 0.168710 ... Standard_F16s NaN NaN
3 USD 0.0 0.458132 ... Standard_F16s NaN NaN
4 USD 0.0 0.071264 ... Standard_D4ds_v5 NaN NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
7626 USD 0.0 1.411200 ... Standard_D96as_v5 NaN NaN
7627 USD 0.0 0.046000 ... Standard_D4_v5 NaN NaN
7628 USD 0.0 0.166000 ... Standard_D4_v5 NaN NaN
7629 USD 0.0 1.828000 ... Standard_H16m NaN NaN
7630 USD 0.0 0.553000 ... Standard_H16m NaN NaN
import requests
import pandas as pd
def fetch_azure_prices(currency_code='EUR', service_name=None, region_name=None):
'''Function fetches Prices from the Azure Retail Price API. Default currency is EUR. Regions must be lowercase. ServiceNames must be capitalized.'''
criterias = []
if service_name:
criterias.append(f"serviceName eq '{service_name}'")
if region_name:
criterias.append(f"armRegionName eq '{region_name}'")
if criterias:
filter = f"?currencyCode='{currency_code}'&$filter="
for criteria in criterias:
if criteria != criterias[len(criterias)-1]:
filter += f"{criteria} and "
filter += f"{criteria}"
filter = f"?currencyCode='{currency_code}'"
url = f"{filter}"
all_price_records = []
while True:
if not url:
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code == 200:
json_data = response.json()
url = json_data['NextPageLink'] # Fetch next link
all_price_records = all_price_records + json_data['Items']
return all_price_records
We can then use it like this:
fetch_azure_prices(service_name='Storage', region_name='westeurope')
Along the same lines we could also use the API to check for service names in a particular region.
import requests
import pandas as pd
def fetch_azure_services(region_name='westeurope'):
'''Function fetches Service Names from the Azure Retail Price API based on a given region. Region must be lowercase.'''
filter = f"?&$filter=armRegionName eq '{region_name}'"
url = f"{filter}"
all_price_records = []
while True:
if not url:
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code == 200:
json_data = response.json()
url = json_data['NextPageLink'] # Fetch next link
all_price_records = all_price_records + json_data['Items']
service_names = pd.DataFrame(all_price_records)['serviceName'].unique()
return service_names