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Family Public Law's implementation of the CCD template


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Family public law's implementation of the CCD template



Run command:

git submodule init
git submodule update

Add services, roles and users from fpla-docker repository.



script each time new LA users are added in order to fix access segregation locally.

Load CCD definition:

CCD definition is stored in JSON format. To load it into CCD instance please run:

$ ./bin/

Note: Above script will export JSON content into XLSX file and upload it into instance of CCD definition store.

Additional note:

You can skip some of the files by using -e option on the import-ccd-definitions, i.e.

$ ./bin/ -e 'UserProfile.json,*-nonprod.json'

The command above will skip UserProfile.json and all files with -nonprod suffix (from the folders).

Getting Started:

To ensure you have the correct dependencies run yarn install in the command line.

Code Style:

To run code linting enter yarn lint in the command line.

Docmosis Tornado:

Some of the functionality requires Docmosis Tornado to be started.

It requires DOCMOSIS_KEY to be exposed as environment variable on your machine.

Docker-compose runs FPL Service as well, refer the service README for additional explanation what's required to get the FPL service started by Docker Compose.


E2E tests are configured to run in parallel in 3 headless browsers by default.

To run e2e tests enter yarn test in the command line.

Optional configuration

To run all tests only in one browser please set PARALLEL_CHUNKS environment variable to 1. By default 3 chunks are enabled.


To show tests in browser window as they run please set SHOW_BROWSER_WINDOW environment variable to true. By default browser window is hidden.

SHOW_BROWSER_WINDOW=true yarn test

To enable retry upon test failure please set TEST_RETRIES environment variable to desired positive value. By default no retries are enabled.

TEST_RETRIES=2 yarn test

To disable chrome web security

DISABLE_SECURITY=true yarn test

Creating sample case via E2E tests

E2E tests can be used to create sample case with mandatory sections only. To do so please run the following command:

PARALLEL_CHUNKS=1 yarn test --grep '@create-case-with-mandatory-sections-only'

Note: Case number will be printed to the console while tests run e.g. Application draft #1571-7550-7484-8512 has been created.

Running E2E against remote environment

URL="" IDAM_API_URL="" CASE_SERVICE_URL="http://fpl-case-service-aat.service.core-compute-aat.internal" yarn test

If environment requires user to login into hmcts account first then set HMCTS_USER_USERNAME and HMCTS_USER_PASSWORD

Running E2E against PR enviroment

PR=<PR_NUMBER>; PARALLEL_CHUNKS=1 SHOW_BROWSER_WINDOW=TRUE URL=http://xui-fpl-case-service-pr-$PR.service.core-compute-preview.internal IDAM_API_URL="" CASE_SERVICE_URL=http://fpl-case-service-pr-$PR.service.core-compute-preview.internal yarn test

Running api tests

Application must be up and running

./gradlew runApiTest

Running email template integration tests locally

In order to run the template tests locally you need to add the test-key here:

Create the file in this location (it's already included in .gitignore)

  profiles: email-template-test

    key: <ask for the test key to the other developers>

(the key will start with integrationtests-*, hence not sending real emails since this is a test key,

Report is generated in build/reports/serenity

Connecting to PR database:

kubectl port-forward fpl-case-service-pr-<PR-ID>-postgresql-0 5020:5432

then connect to data-store db on port 5020

Connecting to local open idm database:

host: localhost
port: 5051
user: openidm
password: openidm
database: openidm

User details are kept in openidm.managedobjects table

Connecting to PR elastic search:

kubectl port-forward fpl-case-service-pr-<PR-ID>-es-master-0 9210:9200


curl http://localhost:9210/care_supervision_epo_cases-000001/_search

Uploading ccd definition into PR environment

On PR env following ccd definition files are generated and stored as jenkins job artefacts:

  • ccd-fpl-preview-<PR_ID>-toggle-on.xlsx (uploaded automatically by jenkins)
  • ccd-fpl-preview-<PR_ID>-toggle-off.xlsx

you can download these files and import against PR env like follow (vpn needed):

PR=<PR_ID> \
CCD_DEFINITION_STORE_API_BASE_URL=https://ccd-definition-store-fpl-case-service-pr-$PR.service.core-compute-preview.internal \
SERVICE_AUTH_PROVIDER_API_BASE_URL=http://rpe-service-auth-provider-aat.service.core-compute-aat.internal \
CCD_IDAM_REDIRECT_URL=https://ccd-case-management-web-aat.service.core-compute-aat.internal/oauth2redirect \
fpla-docker/bin/utils/ <FILEPATH>


  • PR_ID - id of pr, file will be uploaded into this PR env
  • USER - vault: fpl-aat.ccd-importer-username
  • PASSWORD - vault: fpl-aat.ccd-importer-password
  • IDAM_CLIENT_SECRET - vault: ccd-aat.ccd-api-gateway-oauth2-client-secret
  • S2S_SECRET - vault: s2s-aat.microservicekey-ccd-gw
  • FILEPATH - path to file to be uploaded

to get values from vault login into and find related vault and value or

az login
az keyvault secret show --name <secret_name> --vault-name <vault_name> | grep value


See fpl-service for more information.


Some external dependencies need to be stubbed (i.e. professional reference data). Stubbing is configured in fpla-docker repository

App insight (optional)

To connect local environment to azure app insight:

  • set APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY env variable (value can be found in env vault under name AppInsightsInstrumentationKey)
  • add env variable JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-javaagent:<PATH_TO_PROJECT>/fpl-ccd-configuration/lib/applicationinsights-agent-2.6.1.jar

To connect preview env to azure app insight:

  • add AppInsightsInstrumentationKey under java.keyVaults.fpla.secrets in charts/fpl-case-service/values.preview.template.yaml


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.