The FPL Service (as any other HMCTS Reform services) uses three sources of configuration for the placeholders:
- application.yaml (profile-driven, test and production systems use only default profile)
- ENV variables (passed in via charts in the cluster or docker-compose for local)
- Configtree provides secrets as configuration placeholders. The chart values configures the mapping from a secret name to Spring's configuration property/a different environment variable through aliases.
Property name | Configuration place | Description |
fees-register.api.url | ENV | URL of the Fees Register service, used for obtaining fee of applications |
fees-register.parameters | application.yaml | Mapping of FPL's possible Fees to required parameters by Fee Register. Configuration stored in class FeesConfig |
payment.site_id | application.yaml | Identifier required when communicating with Payment service to determine payments coming from FPL |
payment.api.url | ENV | URL of service providing PBA payments functionality |
bankHolidays.api.url | application.yaml | URL of the service which can return this years Bank Holidays |
ld.sdk_key | SECRET | Launch Darkly API key for feature toggles |
ld.user_key | ENV | Optional parameter which is send to LD to enable per env toggles |
SCHEDULER_ENABLED | ENV | (Optional) Determines if Quartz scheduler should be used. Enabled by default (disabled in local profile). |
SCHEDULER_DB_HOST | ENV | (Optional) Host for Scheduler DB, default is localhost |
SCHEDULER_DB_PORT | ENV | (Optional) Port for Scheduler DB, default is 6432 |
SCHEDULER_DB_NAME | ENV | (Optional) Name for Scheduler DB, default is fpl_scheduler |
SCHEDULER_DB_USER | ENV | (Optional) Username for Scheduler DB, default is fpl_scheduler_user |
SCHEDULER_DB_PASSWORD | SECRET | (Optional) Password for scheduler db, default (for local) is fpl_scheduler |
idam.s2s-auth.microservice | application.yaml | Name of FPL service when communicating with other Reform services. |
idam.s2s-auth.url | ENV | URL of Service responsible for Service to Service authentication (s2s token provider) |
idam.s2s-auth.totp_secret | SECRET | One time password code secret required when communicating with s2s service |
idam.api.url | ENV | URL to IDAM service used to authenticate requests and obtain further user details. | | ENV | Client identifier used for OAuth2 login via IDAM. |
idam.client.redirect_uri | ENV | Redirect URI used for OAuth2 login via IDAM. |
idam.client.secret | SECRET | Secret portion of OAuth 2 flow. |
auth.idam.client.baseUrl | ENV | Configuration required by auth-checker-library to communicate with IDAM |
auth.provider.service.client.baseUrl | ENV | Configuration required by auth-checker-library to communicate with s2s auth service | | ENV | Indicates if spring security should be enabled | | ENV | Expected IDAM issuer-uri | | ENV | Expected IDAM jwk-set-uri |
core_case_data.api.url | ENV | CCD Data store API URL |
docmosis.tornado.url | ENV | Docmosis Tornado (document generation service) URL |
docmosis.tornado.key | SECRET | Docmosis Tornado (document generation service) API key |
document_management.url | ENV | URL for service responsible for storing documents |
notify.api_key | SECRET | Gov notify API Key for sending emails |
rd_professional.api.url | ENV | URL for Professional Reference Data service |
send-letter.url | ENV | URL for service delivering Bulk Print functionality | | ENV | SendGrid host |
send-grid.port | ENV | SendGrid port |
send-grid.api_key | SECRET | SendGrid API key |
ccd.ui.base.url | ENV | URL for CCD Web UI, used in notifications |
fpl.local_authority_email_to_code.mapping | SECRET | Explained below. |
fpl.local_authority_code_to_name.mapping | SECRET | Explained below. |
fpl.local_authority_code_to_hmcts_court.mapping | SECRET | Explained below. |
fpl.local_authority_code_to_cafcass.mapping | SECRET | Explained below. |
fpl.local_authority_code_to_shared_inbox.mapping | SECRET | Explained below. |
fpl.local_authority_code_to_org_id.mapping | SECRET | Explained below. |
fpl.eps_to_local_authorities.mapping | SECRET | Explained below. |
fpl.mla_to_local_authorities.mapping | SECRET | Explained below. |
fpl.local_authority_fallback_inbox | SECRET | Fallback notification inbox when the system cannot determine where the LA notification should be delivered |
fpl.system_update.username | SECRET | System user username, used for automated state transitions and data modifications |
fpl.system_update.password | SECRET | System user password, used for automated state transitions and data modifications |
fpl.ctsc_inbox | SECRET | CTSC mail inbox |
fpl.rcj_family_high_court_inbox | SECRET | High Court admin mail inbox |
fpl.translation_team_inbox | SECRET | Translation team mail inbox |
fpl.translation_team_inbox | SECRET | Translation team mail inbox |
translation.notification.sender | SECRET | Translation sender mail inbox |
translation.notification.recipient | SECRET | Translation recipient team mail inbox |
robotics.notification.sender | SECRET | FROM field when sending emails to robotics |
robotics.notification.recipient | SECRET | Robotics mailbox address | | ENV | Determines if JSON file should be send to robotics when Family Man case number is added to the case' | | ENV | Enables API to retrigger robotics notification for particular case |
appinsights.instrumentationkey | SECRET | Key used to connect to Azure AppInsights |
- When using env variables '.', '-' are replaced with '_', i.e.
is configured as ENV var: IDAM_S2S_AUTH_URL - Secrets are stored in the appropriate Azure Key vault. As mentioned above name of the secrets to property name can be found in this file
EX=>Example Local Authority
EX=>Example Family Court:
Maps local authority fpl code to organisation id in PRD
Maps external solicitors organisation PRD id to list of local authorities codes. If external organisation has this mapping then users can create cases on behalf of specified local authorities.
Maps local authority PRD id to list of local authorities codes. If local authority has this mapping then users can create cases on behalf of specified local authorities.
For local development feature toggle will use default flag values defined in
In order to use Test
environment values locally, sdk_key
needs to be specified,
and feature-toggle
value needs to be added to your run profiles in
In order to test your feature with custom flag values user_key
needs to be added to application-feature-toggle.yaml
on-profile: feature-toggle
sdk_key: (get from key vault)
user_key: my-local-key
Your key will be added on first FeatureToggleService
call and will be available on LaunchDarkly panel in Users tab.
You will be able to set your own flag values there without affecting other environments.
In order to enable quartz scheduler
- set
in application-local.yaml
Upcoming hearing jobs can be configured with environment variables UPCOMING_HEARINGS_CRON[default 0 0 2 ? * MON-FRI] - quartz expression, e.g 0/30 * * ? * MON-FRI UPCOMING_HEARINGS_DAYS[default 2] - number of working days notification is sent before hearing Elastic search must be enabled in ccd-docker for Upcoming hearings job to work
Emails to Robotics and to Welsh translation team are sent using SMTP protocol via MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) or SendGrid depending on feature toggle send-grid. On local environment test MailHog server is available. Sent emails can be checked at http://localhost:8025/
Emails to users are sent via gov.notify